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My dream lover(Mystery behind the locks and love)

Chapter 4 The Letter.

Word Count: 592    |    Released on: 30/10/2021

e?I asked but she said she was hun



sister, Pamela but she seems not

embered potiphar whom I had

y mind. I was already sleeping on the new bed that I claimed to have bought the day before he came to my home, infac

o my right hand side to look at the wall clock. It was 1pm. The time was slow, I had been expecting potiphar to have come back at thi

potiphar's phone number on my phone or co

my bed-side and noticed a letter on the table. It

t but accommo

e feel like I was the one to be blamed. He really did not slap me but patted me on my face a little hard, whi

commodating me but now I felt that since I am of no use to you, I thought that I should leave you al

bit hard, shout at you,then break the good news to you, I felt you would be happy,

it was daybreak. It was promise who was humming my favorite song. I had lost my memory before now but all I could remembered was my name and that of my sister's. The pret

urious and wondered what happened to her, she just said'' one man named port

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