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The Last Dress

Chapter 4 Wish Come True (Part 1)

Word Count: 1006    |    Released on: 16/01/2022

nce that awkward confessi

a little excited because it was my first time being courted but I could not forget the fac

it's Wednesday and we have a cl

re here at the cafeteria eating lunch together. It was kinda a

oks can kill then I probably would not last in eight mon

t everybody is staring

th popular individuals. So I thought to myself, 'how is it possible that a popular guy


I gotten m

re just a waste of time

ove with someone else. I'm not assuming that it was me because we only met recently so I guess it's his first

hook up with other guys? Also, whatever happened to the gir

understand the r

t us." I calmly said wh

his squad but Sasha kinda brainwashed them so e

iend betrayed him and his other friends left him without even hea

ree time since I was informed that the teachers are having their general meeting, so t

it was tremendous. The place was full of flowers, trees and most import

e whole afternoon

I was so frantic that

ed at me. So

s go now." He stood up as well and we both he

to deal with their a


to exercise, I do exercise. My body is getting weaker everyday so I have t

turn his head to see me. I guess he really wants to walk.

." He added. I heaved a sigh.

ing? Why not? Kidding. N

e finally arrived at Mal's house. Why didn'

e?" I confusedly asked. He didn't answer. Th

e her today, we've been very busy at school th

no idea why we're here. And how does he know Mal? I mean there's social

nswered my question and gave me a blindfold. What am I

both nodded and that's my cue telling me I ha

at are thes

e I was walking because I can't see a

t where are we? Are we in the mad hat

ggle. Looks like she was h

rd Killian saying that. Thank goodness. I

g off the blind

g? Somebody pinch me. I could not believe t

me? These guys are

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