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The Last Dress

Chapter 5 Wish Come True (Part 2)

Word Count: 1000    |    Released on: 16/01/2022

ed them. Killian held my hand and f

dio right?" He softly asked me. I smiled an

but I asked mom if it's alright if I make a recording stud

nd systems, all there is in a real recordin

with music producers and directors but their effort

directors and producers..." Killian said

words can express how thankful and excited I am right now..." I didn't get to

e I hid my bucket lists and I don't

I had not put this on our list I would not

Let's start singing you guys!!" Mal operate

banging the drums. The melodies

ns me because it reminds me that this world here that we're living in is temporary and finall

feeling so bless

ut a duet? Heiro, you know how to sing right?" He knows how

s okay wi

a smile in reply then I rea

sing a love song. My favorite love song to be exact. I have no i


t to feel this song right now. I want to b

ence. I am blown away, he really has the voice. I almost tho

ro again. We were always singing together and sometime

you right now. I hope you guys get viral" Wait what? V

ook at Killian who's still h

on the tape but also on video." He

in on the radio for everyone to hear" Mal said excitedly. Yeah, almost

What if I'll be judged? Or

ll love your voice. And I'll also post this

wanna record a song but they're doin

feeling right now. How can I let them down and reject

an do whatever you want" Then Mal jumped out

t this once. Either way, I'm not going to los

vorite lin

g of good things not ba

a lot of songs starting

deep inside. Thank you for making me sing." And we did a group hug th

tion. I want to attend school without a dirty record on my portfolio because that wou

rted. But just like my passion for singing, I might not be around any longer in this world. A

uly a drea

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