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Less Money, More Love

Chapter 3 : Clovelly

Word Count: 1198    |    Released on: 29/01/2022

n all at once. A mix of anxiety and excitement stirred inside her. She was without a plan, but she knew

llars for pounds, she considered starting over in London, which presented

s not in L.A. after all, he would just strategically start contacting his different i

ching for his daughter, the crazy runaway bride. If he was still as angry as he was when she talked with him on the pho

ld be tracked and she could be located. She was not a child, however, but an adult woman. Her fath

ay to a small seaside village where her late mother had lived briefly. She told her about her life growing up in

er stories revealed a side of her late mother that she had not often seen as a part of their family life. She was a buffer in the smal

ust as she was sitting back, about to enjoy the ride a

with sarcasm. It w

, being college educated and all that. I guess I thought th

f how to talk down to a person. No response was possible that would rescue them from being berated by either man; they felt like t

first comments, he cut her off

guests here to celebrate our happy union and we had to turn them

t know the first thing about me. I’m just a messy part of the deal

e had to tell them something, so your fat

as what?

eption to accept and accommodate the regrettable situation with as much ease as possible. They considered that t

points with my father. And it wasn’t enough that I fled our wedding, leaving you at the altar? You needed ultimate contro

f wealth, independence, and support had all been yielded to a total stranger over a busi

he provided an escape cla

e than just the

mage. The image of a happy, united front with a multi-billion dollar, multinational deal as t

not waiting for another lie fr

at her phone. Bringing her closer to other hateful and angry individuals in her life was not what she wanted right now. That was not her idea of

could learn more about what her late mother liked about this village now clearly full of tourists’ delig

merican dollars to British pounds at the airport to last for awhile. She had to be care

within her current means and her last luxury. After using her phone to read more about the village, and ignore the unfortunate yet v

ce. Can you

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