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Less Money, More Love

Chapter 6 : First Job

Word Count: 1869    |    Released on: 29/01/2022

at was becoming old news to her was still of world interest. However, it was hard to take a surprise reminder about that old life when she looked at an

now world news, but without her in it. She cautioned herself a

unshine when Rachel came downstairs to the kitchen. “Are you hungry, or do

d no to all of it

and lights on, she beckoned to her, “Rachel, I’m going to teach you the business. I’ve decided. I neve

as a greeting and an easy although not e

business. Some are kind customers who tip generously and some are so rude you wanna slap some sense into them, b

Rachel repl

Faye checking on her from a distance an

gue education; and always being the one served instead of the one doing the serving. Her now, new life defied explanation

, Faye checked in to see how Rachel th

I’m doi

e hurts you unless you let them do so. Control the experience, don’t be controlled. Smile. Oka

connections and the trust fund her late mother had left her, she would take each day, one day at a time, so as not to get overwhelmed. Warm, fres

k you

nist, the creator in her story. She would not take the gift of building a new life lightly. She resolved t

ly worked as Faye’s helper, and shone in this role. If she continued to work this well in the more technical as

confidence was increasing in her n

greeted Rachel who was wait


set of keys and go over the security sy

el s

he shop. Depending on how quickly you can learn and do them will dictate wh

if she could make the cash register sing as she rang up orders o

deserve it. But...I dunno if I ca

in you will grow and yours in your new role will increase with more experience, especially after dealing with the deman

“but I’ve never had...


e left it at that, another truth artfully sh

worked before,” Faye laughed out loud at the thought. “Go ahead and grab an a

ble employee/assistant manager and quick enough study in th

s of her new life in Clovelly. She first fell in love with this village when it came to carving out her indepe

others were filling in the cracks of her untruths. Any discomfort she felt at this moment was her own fault; she was over

out cleanliness to maintain the quality service linens that set this bakery/cafe

view and read and some other onboarding paperwork you can complete l

esponsible for smiling and shadowing but never actually baking or ring

ome. Almost. But she was still the new girl. At least one customer was dissatisfied and made it k

raspberry and cheese-filled donut by carelessly setting a piping hot cup of Earl Grey tea on top of instead of next to it without prope

d she get some B.S. degree in incompetence? I at least want an apology and a promise never to let it happen again. I come here every singl

ger or withhold her tongue and temper. After she served and rang up the last customer, Rachel

f quality of service you felt I gave you. I apologize and would like to know what we can do

bout something as minor as my error. Everyone makes mistakes. But you are the customer, a loyal one,

he was able to stand u

shame and hurt Rachel. And Rachel, although new to the world of work, was sure that addressing a customer the way she had talked to this woman was probably not t

in a small quiet voice, following a few pain

r voice volume increasing with h

nd a new pas

der but never took her eyes off of Ja

kins in the bag. Just bring them back th

h the morning rush and uncharacteristic customer rudeness well behind them, they gave each other high fives, then the

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