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Less Money, More Love

Chapter 7 : In My Bed!

Word Count: 963    |    Released on: 29/01/2022

had hers, working in a bakery in England. Now broken in to the wor

and cool of the ripest of cucumbers, Honey. You can sleep in tomorrow and come in later. You deserve it. We’ll have a strategic

mpliments and for this job. It is

along at just the r

u’ll be alright

rthur, Beatrice’s grandson, helped me out in the past...on school breaks and around

hats. Demand for us is high and I don’t want to have the kind of new business growing pains that makes us una

Clovelly. Although her plan was to go as far as her feet would take her, her feet we


cles, and skipped the errands in favor of a look around a quaint little dress sho

lite shops in the trunk of an expensive, imported sedan, one of her father’s town cars that was at her disposal. Her packaged

pain and her general fatigue from smiling while talking about nothing and anticipating then putting

pie and some amber lager. This meal, although she had never had it before, was delicious, savory, comfort food after being around sweets all day long. She would have stayed longe

uietly to herself as a necessary affirmation to dea

me thing, but she couldn’t. Just like them, before being forced into a ‘merger mar


unlocked the door to her rented room, a peaceful paradise with few distractions, not even a hint of mod

beeline for the bathroom to brush her teeth, shower to soothe he

e proud of her for making a go of things on her own: getting long-term lodging and a stable job

in the states and how the rudest person she ha

t time. She lit the lavender candle she saw in the bathroom with a book of matches she found next to it from the same pub where she enjoyed a lovely dinner an

together, for her pleasure and comfort, she imagined

chest bare, his cotton bo


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