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Less Money, More Love

Chapter 4 : New Home

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 29/01/2022

mentioned that she was going apartment hunting, the owner of the bed and breakfast suggested finding where she

it and a lovely cottage with a “room for rent” sign on the lawn. She reminded herself that her first priority was to find

t the same moment she was about to turn around and walk away, the door opened and a kind-f

ur sign on the lawn for a room

were the woman’s f

if that was a good or a bad thing

e and my manners. My name is Beatrice,” she said, taking of

. Beatrice.

hini bread while talking endlessly about everything except for the room. They got along well

e?” she prompted Ms. Beatri

esk, chair, lamp and closet, plus a private full bathroom and separate back entrance. You don’t s

’s mansion, but billionaire mansions and English country cottages needed not have a lot in

nstantly understood why her mother thought this was such a special village. A swee

inking of paying,

?” Rachel did not know if that was a good amount for rent or not. Offering an amount at least woul

hat will be agreeable to both of us. Come,

gment of her imagination and she was ab

make ends meet,” Rachel confided in Ms. Beatric

in the right direction. Are you seeing anyone n

rring to how long I would stay in the room. But, in answe

t your age and I think you two would be good for each

? That’

r of hands to take on a more committed role. That way she can spend more time running and marketing the

amazing. Thank you, Ms. Beatrice.” Rache

randma. No ‘Ms.’ or any o


etting you from Beatrice to G

i bread for her new tenant to take with

dy for you to sign when you move in.

the job

r know to expect you sometime tomorrow. I’ll tell her tha


growing older with grace. I’ve found that to be true in my 75 years of living. I try to

rt time and how one significant relationship could make an extraordinary difference. She felt like she had grown wiser and understood her mother’s lo

eace and promise, hope and help. She had everything she needed from the universe and she

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