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Insane Desire

Chapter 2Ā Loud and Deaf

Word Count: 2604 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 04/04/2022


d watch a 3 hour long movie about how you should take your meds, listen to your doctors and be docile little sheep. It's really annoying, because it's the same thing every week,

my bed, as always, staring up at the little rectangular window at the top part of my

ingers through my hair. I'd noticed another syringe in his pocket. Wondering what

, taking a seat at the back, right next to the door. Trying to be invisible, I shrink down a

and up and take a seat near the front, sending a glare their way. The doctor just sm

then starts the movie and goes to the back of the room. Leaning back against my chair, I loo

. That movie... it's so wrong. When I moved my eyes, I caught a glimpse of something... turning my

come around with cups of pills, handing them to the kids. I know what everyone

actually got 3 small cups full. I wonder if the doctors think that


nod slightly towards my pills, pleading with my eyes. He looks confused as h

he cup in my hand he whispers, "What is it?" in my ear. When he leans back a little, I d

ealize what I'm trying to say. When Leonar

r shirt or something, or into your pocket." Then

st all of the doctors watching me, since I haven't swallowed my pills yet. Taking a few out of each cup, I grab

. I pretend to get really loopy, making it look like my eyes are glazed over while I stare at the screen. The doctor walks away smirking. When I'm sure everyone

g, I listen as the guy talks about ne

hey will make you... better. Much better. It may seem odd, but it's all with your w

or anyone who doesn't obey, and if they don't get better well... the guy never finished that sentence. Keeping the dazed look on

my specific psychiatrists, which are Blake, Cole and Leonard. It's really, really freaking me out, because I have no idea why the hell they're looking at me l

have the pills?" Blake is walking back a

seen any of these procedures. Never even heard of them." He stops moving when I hold out all of the

out of his hands and onto his desk, he calls Cole over to help him organize them, while t

the hall at a fast pace, and swinging onto the stairs, running up

r, on my way to my

I th

is cracked open slightly. That's not good... Walking VERRY slow, I scoot my feet along the ground goin

ed it completely when we left earlier. Stepping into the room, I sk

what I might see. But when I don't hear anything, I whirl around, only to come face to face wit

he door opens behind him and two burly guy doctor people

s he reaches in his pocket and leisurely pulls

dle thing, causing a little stream of whatever medicine that is to squirt out into the ai

d pity you because of what happene

long that you've lost your sense of humanity. I just think that you'd be a good... play toy I guess you could say

ith one of his hands, and the two

't want to have to use force." When he says

n he comes close again, he

ays, and then the 2 doctors


bing my arms and holding me still. My heart starts poun

al con

and I catch flashes of the

the cold needle into the vein on my arm, then the stingin

faint, or the medicine takes effect and knocks me out.

or tied up. I start struggling blindly, trying to get free. I feel it when the rope around my wrists breaks the skin, and warm drops of blood

ention to what's around me, I see that I'm in the group therapy room, and the screen

a few of these words flash across the screen: pain, fear, discipline

sn't. H

when I had just had a violent mental therapy session, a

k 6 mont

r own person, nothing can change that." The doctor tells

's real life, don't let your fears take control. Keep calm in tough situations, think out your reacti

couple times, still breathi

ar and use it to fuel your strength. This is


ctor, breaking it into pieces. Over and over, the chair comes down, annihilating that stupid machine. Keeping a straight face, I use the light of the EMERGENCY EXIT signs to examine the room.Seeing glints of light f

bilities of getting out of this room and to Griffin and the

tal of the handles. Smirking, I walk over and pull on them, but I hear the rattle of

d try shoving one open. The same thing happens, but surprisingly

er what. Deciding to try it, I punch the glass on the covering of the

or and down the hallways, dodging doped up kids in the hallways, and scaring any doctors I can. Reaching the main ha

ore I hit him. He stumbles back a step from

ow them. When outside, we hide b

into the large yard. The fire alarm cut off so

do they kno

takes out a syringe in their pocket and shoves the needle in my arm. Wh

this just

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