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The Last Daughter

Chapter 5 A call to duty (2)

Word Count: 1823    |    Released on: 24/04/2022

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but wasn't sinking. It was like an invisible stool held me up, or an invisible floor. The tides pushed and pulled around me, splashing and clashing and wetting m

experience, the most pain I had ever felt since I was born. I felt like my bones were going to shatter and my heart would burst out of my chest. It too

able. It was the best feeling in my life so far. We got there on time, mum was already fighting the rogues and one was about to clamp down on her neck. Im

keep my wolf a secret because you know, she's not the normal wolf you see everyday. I shifted sometimes to run, but Majesty was too fast for anyone to see. Th

nock me down so they could see my mystery wolf too, a

ff her and make sure she wasn't hurt. It was a habit, an unnecessary one.

ys have to smell me, I'm fine. If I wasn't,

ty's order. Wher

r the ball, but daddy said they are too much and expose and announce what is his. So mumm

ing mummy and daddy?" Isla asked deris

I say it, and I'm

ugh, genius," Isla r

ure dad don't burn the dresses and m

ied to settle them, it resulted to something worse, so no. I'll go in there o

she shoved the bags into Moira's hands. Moira quickly took th

hat you are doing. You bought all those clothes

nty one years ago? Ba

etter looking than me," dad accuse

er her breath, causing a lou

still lo

d Lula and went over to dad. I grabbed his bicep with a a

guy, let's g

still loves him," he kvetched

ck mimicked me silently, pouting his lips in a funny way. I laughed at his childish


e, the

end the last pack


eyes, which made him laugh. "You are defi

nine women and slept with

me, glancing behind him to make sure mum didn't hear it.

ughter, I'm not like you.

ay, if that was the case, Moira and Zeph would have been l

y. He chuckled and scratched behin

k bond and he rubbed his head on it. I rolled my eyes at their display of affection. Majesty had change

hday is lasting a

many is attending to show their support." Dad explained as we stepped

nt or something?" I aske

rone. The weight of power and responsibilities were too much on his young shoulders, so it crushed his enthusiasm and

u know

h him," dad said as he flexed his ar

successor. It was pretty hard on me. Now imagine running an entire population of mystical creatures at fourteen. Especially as he ascended the thro

then ascending the throne and stopping a war. It took all his wisdom, his tactics at that age to keep werewolves and elves in good terms. I also read on how he stopped the tribes of lycans from attacking th

ves out for a long run. Majesty was taller than dad,

old a birthday party this ye

and hasn't found his mate or a queen because he don't associate or stay at any mating ball. So the elders thought that maybe

find the king a mate” p

's what it is. I doubt he would be th

e and she dies?’ I asked the most obviou

did you se

trong enough warning. He's

heir mates. Which is why the godde

ecause their soulmate died. It indeed was why they didn't get one too often. In fact, one could stay for a thousand years and not hear of a lycan finding a mate. They usually just fall in love and get ma

e this is what I

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Who are these girls 3 Chapter 3 Welcome home4 Chapter 4 A call to duty 5 Chapter 5 A call to duty (2)6 Chapter 6 Just meet them7 Chapter 7 An unusual scent8 Chapter 8 An unexpected surprise9 Chapter 9 An unwanted surprise10 Chapter 10 She's here!11 Chapter 11 Feels right12 Chapter 12 I change my mind!13 Chapter 13 I wish I could14 Chapter 14 Challenge15 Chapter 15 A glimpse of fate16 Chapter 16 The chase17 Chapter 17 You haven't won yet18 Chapter 18 Caught in his embrace19 Chapter 19 Warmth20 Chapter 20 Scorching21 Chapter 21 Scorching (2)22 Chapter 22 Take that, traitorous wolf!23 Chapter 23 You have a problem24 Chapter 24 The bet25 Chapter 25 Let me mark you26 Chapter 26 A little secret27 Chapter 27 And down goes the principles28 Chapter 28 What do I have to do 29 Chapter 29 Insanely perfect30 Chapter 30 Dark spirits31 Chapter 31 You really should keep it down32 Chapter 32 And it can be found at… 33 Chapter 33 Myrtle34 Chapter 34 Myrtle (2)35 Chapter 35 Do you know me 36 Chapter 36 Okay, what's going on 37 Chapter 37 Guilt38 Chapter 38 Hopelessness and a shock39 Chapter 39 The shifter dragon40 Chapter 40 I am never leaving41 Chapter 41 The end of the war42 Chapter 42 Worry of all worries43 Chapter 43 King of all kings44 Chapter 44 Offsprings45 Chapter 45 Surprise46 Chapter 46 Once upon a danger47 Chapter 47 Leidyana48 Chapter 48 Up in the mountain49 Chapter 49 Golden moon50 Chapter 50 Wow51 Chapter 51 Found you!52 Chapter 52 Warning - the knowledge in the book53 Chapter 53 The knowledge in the book54 Chapter 54 Another surprise55 Chapter 55 Athens56 Chapter 56 What to protect 57 Chapter 57 And it begins58 Chapter 58 I love you59 Chapter 59 My wolf60 Chapter 60 Separated61 Chapter 61 Let's do this!62 Chapter 62 Let's do this! (2)63 Chapter 63 It's not over yet64 Chapter 64 Epilogue