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The Last Daughter

Chapter 8 An unexpected surprise

Word Count: 2192    |    Released on: 04/05/2022

s vie

nded the royal balls with the king, feasted and made plans or whatever they did to make merry. The young ones, however, ranking

d. Day two, we played wood games all day which was so fun for those who liked getting dirty. My beautiful Lula showed those asses that size didn't matter when it came to archery. The girl

ually, the king's best friend as I was told. He was also the DJ for the first round of dancing before he left. Zeph missed it because her

end a pool party and not get in the pool. She started crying when Moira kept talking about the DJ Max party, so I stayed back this time because I was the only one who could

ir restyled into a relaxed high ponytail with voluminous waves and curls. Her dress was pretty decent like the April she was, but she was beautiful. Moira went all out with her own. Even though her black extension hair was a simple side chic French twist with beautiful pin accessories, her royal blue dress and silver shoes screamed

belt made the skirt and the ruffled multi pearled strap hands look attach. I really loved the grey pearls that formed the straps that stayed over my shoulders and down my arms to my expose back. I wore azure and grey so it would match my eyes. My grey–also–multi pearled strap d'orsa

except April, who seemed to love the idea of a ball. So while mum was laughing with some women and dad standing behind her like a fucking bodyguard to keep males away

. It's not easy to avoid three goddesses in one place. Especi

asked me smirkingly. I snorted before taking a sip from my g

hyr, wh

." And she was right. I wouldn't deny that the scent had been bothering Majesty and I since we came

ing me, a strange pleasant scent. Do you think it's

rugged. "Co

s bending her," Zeph said as a matter of fact. Her eyes moved around before it landed on something. She gasped, "fuck! They

ould eat, and now sugar heaven? We rushed to the table, literally bulldoz

om, my mind is going to

livating, where do

ses this," Zeph said under her breath, "a

April averted her eyes from the lady she was talking to, her smile still on her face. My shy princess had bec

ng at her. She roughly pushed her glass into Lex's hand, pushed the man in her way aside and p

ere do we

pt the thought of eating pastries. We weren't allowed to eat any pastry with sugar mor

late. My eyes fell on something that instantly caught my gaze. It was golden with three green circles and lot o

g April's head to look at it. She hummed

he asked the maid s

s with sweet berry rainbow sprinkles. The sprinkles are rare and anot

took a bite. My eyes widened as I saw sparkles in them, actual rainbow sparkles with gold stars surrounding them. The cr

ed my eyes and relaxed into the incredible taste. Majesty liked it too bec

exclaimed. I opened my eyes as the maid choked on h

ing taste better than Lex's cum. Shit! I feel lik

e the fuck have you been all my life?" Zeph added. "Fuck! I'm go

this baby," Moira moaned as she took another bite. I t

hand in marriage," I spluttered ou

y, alrea

make this and I promise him my first born chil

Zane Berlanti." I rolled my eyes over to the golden doors that the king ought to pass. That scent had gotten stronger but I didn't notice it earli

rs as if my whole life was behind it. The moment the doors opened, the scent came unto me like a gush of wind, forcing me back. I wo

shirt which sleeves he folded up to his elbows and a royal gold cape covering his shoulders and flowing behind him. His skin might have been golden tan and again some

ash brown, and dark and light copper brown, was left long. I'm not talking man long, I'm talking feminine long and he wasn't ashamed to pack his

ghlighting it. He was tall, bet you on the muscles popping out of his shirt and open forearms, the abs a

ue eyes, warm beige skin, dark auburn brown hair and a boyish glow to his smile. He was the DJ. The second shared almost the same feature as the

it us like a giant's punch, really hard. The scent all this time wasn't the power of t

t, shit

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Who are these girls 3 Chapter 3 Welcome home4 Chapter 4 A call to duty 5 Chapter 5 A call to duty (2)6 Chapter 6 Just meet them7 Chapter 7 An unusual scent8 Chapter 8 An unexpected surprise9 Chapter 9 An unwanted surprise10 Chapter 10 She's here!11 Chapter 11 Feels right12 Chapter 12 I change my mind!13 Chapter 13 I wish I could14 Chapter 14 Challenge15 Chapter 15 A glimpse of fate16 Chapter 16 The chase17 Chapter 17 You haven't won yet18 Chapter 18 Caught in his embrace19 Chapter 19 Warmth20 Chapter 20 Scorching21 Chapter 21 Scorching (2)22 Chapter 22 Take that, traitorous wolf!23 Chapter 23 You have a problem24 Chapter 24 The bet25 Chapter 25 Let me mark you26 Chapter 26 A little secret27 Chapter 27 And down goes the principles28 Chapter 28 What do I have to do 29 Chapter 29 Insanely perfect30 Chapter 30 Dark spirits31 Chapter 31 You really should keep it down32 Chapter 32 And it can be found at… 33 Chapter 33 Myrtle34 Chapter 34 Myrtle (2)35 Chapter 35 Do you know me 36 Chapter 36 Okay, what's going on 37 Chapter 37 Guilt38 Chapter 38 Hopelessness and a shock39 Chapter 39 The shifter dragon40 Chapter 40 I am never leaving41 Chapter 41 The end of the war42 Chapter 42 Worry of all worries43 Chapter 43 King of all kings44 Chapter 44 Offsprings45 Chapter 45 Surprise46 Chapter 46 Once upon a danger47 Chapter 47 Leidyana48 Chapter 48 Up in the mountain49 Chapter 49 Golden moon50 Chapter 50 Wow51 Chapter 51 Found you!52 Chapter 52 Warning - the knowledge in the book53 Chapter 53 The knowledge in the book54 Chapter 54 Another surprise55 Chapter 55 Athens56 Chapter 56 What to protect 57 Chapter 57 And it begins58 Chapter 58 I love you59 Chapter 59 My wolf60 Chapter 60 Separated61 Chapter 61 Let's do this!62 Chapter 62 Let's do this! (2)63 Chapter 63 It's not over yet64 Chapter 64 Epilogue