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The Last Daughter

Chapter 10 She's here!

Word Count: 1745    |    Released on: 06/05/2022

ll's v

wasn't needed, but it was the royal cape passed on from generation to generation. My best friend, Zane, sat on my bed, checking his f

the new trouble was confusing me. My beast was more reckless but silent, he wouldn't talk because the confusion had gotten to him bad. It was

d snow, to the usual scent. It was confusing him too but not as much as it was to me. I exhaled loudly

and groaned. My throat was closing up but I was forcing it back down. "I don't know what's wrong

t the roses they think is regular

f they know,

think this is the way they would warn you. I

cted to it,"

rom a long generation of betas as Zane came from one of warriors. But Zane was closer

tiredly. It was a rare thing to see him tired. He was usually energetic, loquacious and act like a crazy teena

my feet and walked to the door. Zane stood up and followed. Caesar

trying to strangle me or force me to shift. My lycan stirred in me, his confusion hitting me as strong as the scent. Something nud

Carswell Finneas Adrienne R.D. Maximilien, Beta Caes

e to call my full

left out the other

d accompanied with a powerful aura and scents. The aura was powerful, and the scents entwined so tightly it pushed me some few paces bac

okay?" Caesar

the ballroom as compose as I could, bu

a?’ Caesar pushed into my


is too much,"

r erasthas

ne moved, almost using his speed to rush towards two girls. The one with amber hair and green eyes was staring at me with red cheeks and shock, but the black haired one was looki

scent had suddenly disappea

s just standing here," Z

ly. I knew he would be ecstatic about the information. I a

ing wide. I ignored them and kept my eyes on the black haired. From what I could see, she had sh



e run? Don't

re a woman and you found out that

e specimen who would do anything

t not all are like th

just fi

e. I looked to my side and saw her mate standing close, ready to attack Zane and get himself k

…it…" She

" the black hair

behind me to Caesar, mentally instructing

involve, she's probably running away

appealing to me and my

conversation. From their scent, they were all in the same pa

ere ar

cklingly. Zane growled and stepped forward to probably sha

alm d

? Why? Did I do anything

d, "she won't run, probably be in shock and Xyra used that state t

embling one cut in sharply, defending her friend, her alpha.

cared to know about the alpha female that no one knew about or who mysteriously came back from the dead. When I asked her father once, he told me she was stolen

me? What are your n

she murmur


re you? Bo

ow is that I am a telepath and tech genius, with

me to follow. A young girl was arranging her short dress as she giggled. Brownish gold and honey blonde hair, dark grey eyes and very pale white skin. S

m her dress with an innocent smile, one I saw through. She was a


ager, that would explain

ing her innocent smile and le

apped her in his arms

are you and why a

e would

" he grow

Alpha Kristofferson's. She instantly clung to his bicep, shock

ed the one hiding behind him. Or rather, trying to sn


her first> Trust your animal half to alw

ch," Zane said a


vampire but a wereghost. Yes, I'm rare, deal with it and

s sneaking aw


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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Who are these girls 3 Chapter 3 Welcome home4 Chapter 4 A call to duty 5 Chapter 5 A call to duty (2)6 Chapter 6 Just meet them7 Chapter 7 An unusual scent8 Chapter 8 An unexpected surprise9 Chapter 9 An unwanted surprise10 Chapter 10 She's here!11 Chapter 11 Feels right12 Chapter 12 I change my mind!13 Chapter 13 I wish I could14 Chapter 14 Challenge15 Chapter 15 A glimpse of fate16 Chapter 16 The chase17 Chapter 17 You haven't won yet18 Chapter 18 Caught in his embrace19 Chapter 19 Warmth20 Chapter 20 Scorching21 Chapter 21 Scorching (2)22 Chapter 22 Take that, traitorous wolf!23 Chapter 23 You have a problem24 Chapter 24 The bet25 Chapter 25 Let me mark you26 Chapter 26 A little secret27 Chapter 27 And down goes the principles28 Chapter 28 What do I have to do 29 Chapter 29 Insanely perfect30 Chapter 30 Dark spirits31 Chapter 31 You really should keep it down32 Chapter 32 And it can be found at… 33 Chapter 33 Myrtle34 Chapter 34 Myrtle (2)35 Chapter 35 Do you know me 36 Chapter 36 Okay, what's going on 37 Chapter 37 Guilt38 Chapter 38 Hopelessness and a shock39 Chapter 39 The shifter dragon40 Chapter 40 I am never leaving41 Chapter 41 The end of the war42 Chapter 42 Worry of all worries43 Chapter 43 King of all kings44 Chapter 44 Offsprings45 Chapter 45 Surprise46 Chapter 46 Once upon a danger47 Chapter 47 Leidyana48 Chapter 48 Up in the mountain49 Chapter 49 Golden moon50 Chapter 50 Wow51 Chapter 51 Found you!52 Chapter 52 Warning - the knowledge in the book53 Chapter 53 The knowledge in the book54 Chapter 54 Another surprise55 Chapter 55 Athens56 Chapter 56 What to protect 57 Chapter 57 And it begins58 Chapter 58 I love you59 Chapter 59 My wolf60 Chapter 60 Separated61 Chapter 61 Let's do this!62 Chapter 62 Let's do this! (2)63 Chapter 63 It's not over yet64 Chapter 64 Epilogue