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The Last Daughter

Chapter 6 Just meet them

Word Count: 1865    |    Released on: 24/04/2022

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leaned back on my chair. Of course I knew they were only trying to look out for me, they were acting like my grandfathers b

I didn't have any weak side to me, no weakness or someone who my enemies would try to use against me. I was honestly better on my own, but they didn't think so. I needed an heir, the first important thing to them. I needed a compa

early… No, seven hundred years. And I didn't want a woman to just bear me children lik

to that decision. Really unfortunate. My first birthday since

is is necessary. Please, just do this for us, just six hours and you can leave." Francis, my father'

ady, this meeting is

appear ten minutes after the party begins. Jus


o small," ano

s to deal with. Can I go now? I need to do someth

Your Majesty,

m yet," Francis sa

find his mate," I snorted a

, for queen?" Francis said unsurely. I sighed and waved my h

imed. "So I'm supposed t

to interrupt me and get away with it, "but knowing how you are, I reduced them to

, my ex. You want me

n sure. Anyways, the second is Viona Rave and the last is a werewolf, not a lyca

fully. The last time I checked, she h

here she has been since, but we do know that she is a strong one, that's what the informant says.

stically. "So, meet Viona and

ected. I nodded, not even caring to mentally store their name

look. My beast was complaining about going to a party. He hated it as much as I did, maybe even more. The only thin

hat no is. Apparently, she was obsess with her beauty, social standard and power. Being a queen put one above everyone else, and

re you doing in

my cousin a visit." I shook my head.

" with that said, I left my room for her. I stopped at elevator doors leading to my private floor. I looked at the guard standin

, the door chimed and rapidly pulled apart. I step into the elevator and let it close. Hoping that maybe the doors would close this chapter of m

s vie

give me one

make it back

lease I beg d

was singing, she is always singing. At least she wasn't drunk this time o

mn country the king lived in. Hell, he had to be living in America, never been there… wait, never really been anywhere before. Th


ra and myself. The gamma stayed back with Zira to take care of the pack. Thank goodness, no F

single road trip?" I asked,

he said with a wink. Lex groa


e laughed and ruffled Lulana's hair. L

g with my hair. I'm trying to find my

yet," Zeph said jestingly. Lu

m not a

ce of words when you are sitting beside mum. "Ow," she cried from the smack to the hea

what's a ma

es as she smirked secretly before turning back to her phon

nna be a m

" Zeph started again, causing us

dance and tw

my hips, loo

na be the

ches bett

a steal all

e screamed, causing everyone to jump

ain and I'll make your tongue too

to be queen," Zeph sang, w

ago, my car ended up with a fucking hole in the middle because Moira had to drop you heavy and you touch he

. "So, this is

got his ass in this car

," mum giggled. They both sneered and loo

ds had found the happiness they wanted in love, that one was being loved and cared for like a princess. Lex adored and worshipped her like she was a goddess, or maybe she was to him;

Zeph was another. So far, she had been in and out of five bad relationships in a year. The last one hurt her

I wanted a mate or a relationship. We decided being together with no emotional stress was good enough. April mig

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Who are these girls 3 Chapter 3 Welcome home4 Chapter 4 A call to duty 5 Chapter 5 A call to duty (2)6 Chapter 6 Just meet them7 Chapter 7 An unusual scent8 Chapter 8 An unexpected surprise9 Chapter 9 An unwanted surprise10 Chapter 10 She's here!11 Chapter 11 Feels right12 Chapter 12 I change my mind!13 Chapter 13 I wish I could14 Chapter 14 Challenge15 Chapter 15 A glimpse of fate16 Chapter 16 The chase17 Chapter 17 You haven't won yet18 Chapter 18 Caught in his embrace19 Chapter 19 Warmth20 Chapter 20 Scorching21 Chapter 21 Scorching (2)22 Chapter 22 Take that, traitorous wolf!23 Chapter 23 You have a problem24 Chapter 24 The bet25 Chapter 25 Let me mark you26 Chapter 26 A little secret27 Chapter 27 And down goes the principles28 Chapter 28 What do I have to do 29 Chapter 29 Insanely perfect30 Chapter 30 Dark spirits31 Chapter 31 You really should keep it down32 Chapter 32 And it can be found at… 33 Chapter 33 Myrtle34 Chapter 34 Myrtle (2)35 Chapter 35 Do you know me 36 Chapter 36 Okay, what's going on 37 Chapter 37 Guilt38 Chapter 38 Hopelessness and a shock39 Chapter 39 The shifter dragon40 Chapter 40 I am never leaving41 Chapter 41 The end of the war42 Chapter 42 Worry of all worries43 Chapter 43 King of all kings44 Chapter 44 Offsprings45 Chapter 45 Surprise46 Chapter 46 Once upon a danger47 Chapter 47 Leidyana48 Chapter 48 Up in the mountain49 Chapter 49 Golden moon50 Chapter 50 Wow51 Chapter 51 Found you!52 Chapter 52 Warning - the knowledge in the book53 Chapter 53 The knowledge in the book54 Chapter 54 Another surprise55 Chapter 55 Athens56 Chapter 56 What to protect 57 Chapter 57 And it begins58 Chapter 58 I love you59 Chapter 59 My wolf60 Chapter 60 Separated61 Chapter 61 Let's do this!62 Chapter 62 Let's do this! (2)63 Chapter 63 It's not over yet64 Chapter 64 Epilogue