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For Vengeance I Ascend Once More

For Vengeance I Ascend Once More


Chapter 1 The King Falls

Word Count: 1432    |    Released on: 15/05/2022

hands as he dragged his dying body towards the corp

nds, made the scene of this black-haired beauty with the light in her eye

children that lay a few meters from his wife's corpse, but they had been taken from him ruthlessly. The eyes of

ng white essence. His leg had been ripped off during the battle where he singlehandedly killed fou

hands of his enemy, ravenously molested before bei

inful death by beheading as he was pinned and st

s forming its walls, tamed lightfire spirits providing the lighting for the interior, Realm Essence being s


s all

a bet

s the last of his warriors were putting up a

ver come, did you?" asked a voic

ed studs that emitted a regal glow. His hair draped over his shoulders to his w

dle was golden, white runic markings carved on the surface. Its blade was menacing. It was akin to a mirror, reflecting all that it faced, yet its edge being so sharp th

brutal scene where I slaughter everything that you loved and you... old friend, are left to crawl o

e ground struggled to speak witho

o. Is there a curse to spare that we haven't spat in each other's face?" the man sai

. But he wanted at least his finger to remember the feeling of his wife. Just a touch of her arm to car

ody as well as his soul, with the user having the additional o

le of all the realms celebrate your fall," said the man as

energy streaked through the air and str

he floor, his spear slinking into the beautiful floor

tood on burst with chunks of the d

the chaos, the man with the spear struggling to stand on the

roared before flashing out of the palac

rgy that blew outwards, forcing the caving floor to re

owl on his face. His eyes glowed with a frightening light, t

cked his arm, the spear releasing a brilliant light as it looked lik

ut... " he did not finish, as he immedia

ntirety burning with a flame that could not be described by mor


plosion that attracted the warriors who were killi

it chased after the soul of th

he spear closed the distance in a few seconds, bar

through the air and interven

whose voice could be heard grunting as the spear passed, but he used this chance that he had bee

ourse until it lost its mom

er had interfered. He spread his Essence throughout the entire realm in a second, catchi

d. He softened his features

today," said the man softly as he floated outside the palace where gigantic floating contraptions floated, firing beams o

and beg for mercy while calling for their King. Women, children and men w

he built. All that he raised from t

n from the King after the battle. It was a katana within a black,

He had almost finished it. Now all that r

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