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Love with monsters

Chapter 8 Eat fish

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 03/06/2022

An see if there was anything new, if he could pick herbs or ve

today is al

ickly he kn

ng wants to

a moment, then approached

e hunting in


ime won't come b


s recovered a lot, it is time to leave here, the world beyond

at the evil people who wanted to chase and kill Khac Nap Lang were also coming back, Khac N

ing? Impossible, Khac Nap Lang

th the weak? No

g was a person who really liked


he house is carried by

leisurely wa

a slave was

right, the morning dew is st

eze blew on

ge of the forest, they s

that A Ky Man was still inf

really many, twice as many as

are either too poor at h

h, seeing that everything wa

growing up ahead, so he went up to a

is w

's things, so if he received more, the onl

Lang didn't even look

is slaves were so weak,

wn, the sun was gett

point of bu

orest from a young age, used to

ay, they finally

ar, cool, enough to dis

l skin on their bodies, without saying a word

sat a little below th

uel, no matter how he hunt

t for the incessant bleeding, Tu An would not have known wher

Tu An criticizing himsel

ith my tail and Khac Nap


sters, they will also be divided into many types and will have different races. The monsters will have an advantage in certain aspects suc

think of something,

ur special

n is

any special ab

he was an ordinary person,

m Khiet who oft

y M

ig holes and find

prey in his hand was ab

like you, she doesn't have animal tails,

over at

who doesn't have a

ent, then swam to the othe

tream, but the story between Tu An and A Ky Man c

slaves in

back and for

could not stand t

a cave that is not t

Lang li


is still lying in a cor

very tasty, looked at Tu An, and then


e laziness of his slave, but at this moment, with some guilt i

t f



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