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The Billionaire's Audition

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 04/06/2022

e guy can't see her anymore. One thing I must have forgot to m

ve it to her hard. You can't play t

's still a rule. She followed Adrian to the

et but as faith would have it she was able to get

ger" she mutter tryin


ne of his friends said

ed as he sat beside them. "Sorry,

m" Nick exclaimed and Adrian glared at him. He w

x, he must have been a s*x

everything under skirt" h

friend asked already drunk. "I think you should

was no longer there, he searche

Nick and left in search of it. Searched everyw

om then something dawned on

ed his wrist, it was then he realized

ck. He would have let her go with the wallet but

"Nick, I will clear the bills find a way to get them home. I hav

couldn't have gone far' he thought as he drove slowly, trying to s

with his wallet in front of her. The restaurant was

nderstands. He parked his car in the pa

her and she started eating immediately. Ad

ealing his precious necklace, the last time someone t

because she's a girl or what? He hasn't felt l

s gave her a piece of paper a

than enough, "this is too

irl smile, " thank you very much" sh

to their conversation, she have the

with the menu. Mirabel turned to see the person who gentle a

o visit again?" He asked and Mirabel almost thoug

ure? Don't you believe you will be able to ste

hy is he talking about her stealing? S

t?" She sturter in fear. Everyth

rt her to the police, why did

bel, have you ever heard that a p

ian asked waving his hand,

' she thought as fear engulfed her, s

lain" she managed to say. "I'm listening" Ad

ans of getting food unless i... I steal. I'm sorry you lo

scold her threaten her. That is wha

anything, she took that as an opportu

you for the meal" she appreciated and wanted

turned around. She wanted to guess what he is going to do t

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