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The Billionaire's Audition

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1008    |    Released on: 04/06/2022

t to open it. With the way her ass is swaying which lifts the

lushed red in embarrassment. "I have nothing here" she a

hat, there are male maids in the hous

that, it's not like he's jealous o

past her. " But I'm starving" she complain

le" she mumble. After few minutes the door open

er, she didn't tell her the food belongs to her but she

with a smile and she nodded. She couldn't sa

if you saw her at that moment. She was devo

he cleared the plates when she was done. Mira

and Mirabel stared at her confused, it's

ou stole his money and wrist wa

his house, this is actually called kidnapping,

go to jail too. Mind you, he's rich he c

n's order, you should stay in his room until he ret

nd returned to the couch. She slept on i

urns crossed her mind. What if he adds to whatever punishmen

d her chin with her hand as a lot

t is his plan? She should just

sp left her mouth as she stared at the

going to jump?' h

on't think I should I'm not ready to die" she

rian's deep voice snappe

staring outside, the view actuall

is fingers, she moved closer and he gave

l take it to the room that will be shown to you soon" he

ed above her knee. She packed her hair in

d they get here?' she wondered staring at the beautiful ladies sited in

ds him with a smile. Such an handsome guy un

de signifying he wants to hug him but he

him which happens to be Mirabel. "Wow, you have

ddened cheek. "She's one of the contestants"

going to give her a job. That's impossible, she stole from him

ful to be one of the contestants, if the decisi

all of you know why you are here" he sai

is clueless?' she thought

rabel" she uttered and he smiled, h

ng here" she stated. "You are h

I am not that much of an actress"

oning for the role of his girlfriend or should I say wif

ng her or something? Is this

taken to your roo

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