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The Billionaire's Audition

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 04/06/2022

pay back your money!" She screamed trying t

it sounded like whispers to her

ightmare" the person said and she f

realize she was still in the room, covered with duvet no one was on t

s a whisper, "you had a nightmare"

ter. She gave her a glass full of water and she emptied it. "C

"How do you feel?" L

n a dream. It felt so real, his voice, hi

d." Okay I'll be right there" she replied an

Who knows, my dream might be a revelat

odor her body is giving but what choice

they will be having breakfast s

e in her dream. Adrian walked towards the pool a

im as she greeted,

ked and she felt offended and asha

embarrassing. She bit her lower with her head

s time for her to show him the crazy Mirabel, "I didn'

llow me" he ordered leading the way.

the door opened and she took tha

ise? She thought her room was big but this ro

her back into conciousness. "Yes"

you are done" he said, he asked when she was s

and he pointed at a door. She walked towards it and

ve the bathroom since it is bigger t

h a towel around her chest, it was s

none of them actually got his atten

theif that stole his money. He was tempted to walk to

d' he scolded himself and blink his eyes r

mm... I... Emr.. go into the wardrobe and get one of my shirt" he

the walk in wardrobe. There was so many clothes i

he finally found a green short sleeve shirt,

ut you can still tell she's n

rt. It almost reached her knee. She walked out of the

audition. He would have just say no but Nick out a lot of eff

ion, he should fasten everything so that

im to notice her presence. He raised hi

rt, 'why is he staring at me like she's going to d

he could devor her but no he brought her to his house for a diff

t's she's got. "Sir, I'm kind of hungry" s

lly can't wait to devour whatever it is he has to offer afte

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