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The Billionaire's Audition

Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 04/06/2022

except one was happy and excited,

ion or whatever? Those girls she saw ou

nowledgeable, what ok Earth is she going

ent? She just wants to leave that house. She's not int

e to work super hard to get your meal. But here you don't have t

t of life is she living? Why does everyth

r opened and Lily walked in. "Miss Mirabel

wondered what she meant. It's not like she called for her or she'

ou' her subconscious suggested and

Thanks" she replied with a s

side the door. She said she doesn't need anything. She expects her t

"yes, do you need a

ere after I told you that I need not

really not that important? Why is everyone lau

on, she really is numb. The maid is

you need a lot of rest because of the competition. S

" Mirabel appreciated and she

n the couch. The room is beautiful too, not as beautiful and as big as A

was sited at the dining table except Adrian and Nick

ity to study the three girls, sh

ove with one of them before the

? Do you want him to choose

d I want to be his wife?

are enough reasons for you to get into a relati

re like eyed her. She didn't care, she just decid

ls waiting" Nick apologize

tively and Mirabel scoff but no one noticed exce

rl said. Are they insane? It was wrong for them to keep t

u want?' her sub

t's have a quick introduction

a girl and she

upposed last girl introdu

ed simply, "your last

et got angry, how can he pic

with her when they got

her let's eat" Nick said and th

ed in the living room except A

they are to follow. They will be doing some t

nation they went b


the next morning, only Nick was sitting with

. She won't have to see his face and wonde

eir cutleries to eat except Margaret who ask

t observation" Nick complime

ith us, but don't worry he will be back before toda

k Disappeared to his room, he told them to get u

, Margaret kept staring at Mirabel who

suddenly shouted and

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