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General of my life

Chapter 3 Going up the mountain for the first time.

Word Count: 1329    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

t walked forward with Smith and laughed. He is

em. But this village is not rich, just average. Going from here to town is about half a day on a buffalo cart

some time for this body to get a little healthier, he would automatically leave. At that time, he

s a beautiful woman’s, but it is easy to see. Dark pink lips are not very black but very attra

other people looking at him, but he raise

s, and quickly left. Henry took a step closer to Eric. Seeing that, he turned to look at the

with you, ar

nd and asked him. He turned against his concer

m o

c is also a quiet person, so it's easy

il was very good, now it is only necessary to transplant. Start working, each person divid

n-law. I thought you would

with sarcastic contempt. He looked at her a

eren't listening.

nger since she returned to be a bride, so how can she

ised his head and looked at her

be afraid of

acing, I'm tal

with a cold smile a

each you. I'm your superior even though I'm a man, but I'm your brother-in-law. Not to mention that you didn't go to w

, not daring to refuse suddenly receiving mocking glanc

lf. These past few days, I have not been helping brother Henry at all, but

ther care so much about my husband, he is not


admit that she had feelings for Henry. Angered, she waved her hand to leave, this will proba


Eric but quickly turned h

day, this is me helping you. If I go away in the futu

nothing, just looking at Eric who was working

rise overhead. It must have been midday, Eric let go of his hand and looked at

the heat and stopped looking, r

ickly comes back,

barefoot with a hoe and sandals. Henry's strong hands reached out to take Eric’s fa

, go out and wash your face

and spoke to the person behind him. In the morning, he

dles immediately. Noodles are made from flour and eggs. He doesn't know

firewood and put it in the storage room so he doesn’t go far to find it. Afte

also felt the same

, quickly come

of them sat down in the same atmosphere without being embarrassed

o go to the mountai

hat and raised his head to face a deep

, can I com

ent and looked at him with p

efuse, he was afraid that Eric's body was

wake you u

and took the egg from his bowl to give it to him as a than

's e

o that he wouldn't leave it behind,

or Henry as the money that he gave him to stay here.

ors to make money. It's not instant money, he thought about what he's seen in mo

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