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General of my life

Chapter 8 Cold War.

Word Count: 1322    |    Released on: 07/07/2022

I'm h

im, when suddenly a black shadow obscured the light. H

also knew that he did not do the right thing, leaving his wife

e, y


his teeth and whispering. Henry could only look at him silently, se

but I'm

er, give me an ext

ht n

eyes flashed with joy. He quickly finished eating and paid to leave

he tall and thin figure. Eric passed a stall selli

pepper or chil

re, but what i

me the pepper…

ctively why would you co

kept talking nonsense. Just

were not available, which was a bit surprising. Well, the way to make money is here. Eric bough

today, but the road is still very far. But today, Eric's mood was very happy, and felt that this distan

g very moderately on his body and finally has some muscle and flesh. It was very pleasing to look at him.

ng soy sauce to sell or you can open a restaurant to earn capital. When I ate at the restaurant just now, the taste was also considered temporary. It

memory is very good, so he doesn't want to ask Henry to follow him. Se

ere are y

m like a stranger. Henry felt uncomfortable in her heart but late

his face. Going up the mountain again poured a basket f

the road looked at them thinking they were arguing, and pointedly amused.

little mushroom soup. The intoxicating scent wafts out, Henry is making wooden planks to clos

Still carrying out preliminary processing of medlar like yesterday, Eric went to the field t

hods in the book he read when he was in college. After thinking for

ld face like money but climbed into bed to rest. Sudd

s still early, Eric decided to leave shortl

took in his hand a straw filled

person, doesn'

entence. Quickly lock the door witho

ived at the market, he was about to advertise but heard a deep voice that made him


let me

ing. He always had a friendly smile on his face that made everyone happy. Henry al

ou want to

ook at him and smiled. Seeing that, Henry


I will cook pan-fried pork for you. Also

side by side. Eric told Henry about yesterday's ideas. Eric d

Eric's ideas brought a look of i

ome, someone is lookin

ith running over to look at the two people worr

s family again, why don't you

on he would definitely n

you b

emember who it was. When Henry saw that someone was holding Eric's hand,

f my wife

still shyly looked at Eric. He also had a headache as he look

h family you are f

aved in the mountains? It was you


use she was covered in mud tha

you mean by

ts to ma



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