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General of my life

Chapter 5 Saving people.

Word Count: 1250    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

go to the moun

even a blade of grass he missed.


any herbs that c

you nee

y, although I don't have good medical skill

his chest. Henry could only sigh, b


ast. Eric jumped in fear and hid behind him. And he quickly pulled the bowst

good at it. Ca

es. Henry was delighted with the a

t better, I'

ber to keep

h few tall trees. Under the ground are some plants that grow ver

did i


had to go and pick medicinal herbs to drink. With heartache, Eric took

liar herbs, his mood agitated. Wanting to rea

can pick it


in the basket, this is Henry's he

ake grilled chicken fo

animals in the forest to eat for a few days. Eric agreed and returned to the medlar tree.

someone sav

Turning around to see two girls, one lying on the ground. The other man had tears in his ey

g, what's wr

Eric immediately wen

her, I will repay


wer when an angry voi


irls, his face was cold but his eyes radiated anger. He

e her. I can be a b

y don't look bad. D

d couldn't bear to look at him and say. Eric let

et me save her. How

nake bit her

u see what c

s bl

let me

se two have been lost for too long, their health

been ignited with fire that has already been mastered and draws poison from her body. Fortunat

ere did you gu

p, he conveniently a

a walk to see the scenery, but on the way we met lo


was, but these two were luck

member the

him until now, asked in a cold voice

but I don't have

towers. He looked at Henry and nodded as if he agreed. Henry thoughtless

hank you, you saved my sister, when I ret

ur sister as a fate. It's more dangero

anymore, this love affair she will definitely remember. Thi

on-like eyes looking at her. As a warning look, she answere

ve you se

smell sou

et cured for the first time.


let's g

ou not call m

e my w

fe. Hurry back, how many

k at Henry's basket. Because he stood close to his shoulder blades, the breath blew from his nose into the back o

not good to stay in the

o I can see what I

id he turned to leave but

your hand

ry's hand was really h

, come ba

ge, even if he went out of the forest, he would not let

ed at them with contempt, so man

a lot, then sell it to

yard and took out five wild chickens.

g deer. And why would you bring it

y, my wife nee

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