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General of my life


Word Count: 1290    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

disgust, looking at the person in front of him fidgeting with the wild animals Henry caught, Eric thought for a long time. Seeing that the person in fro

say anything, Henry turned his head to look back. Seeing th

to town

aid a sentence that made


ou like, I'

his hand. Turn to go into the kitchen, k

w what sugar-co

't kno

his head, to tell the truth. After hearing this, Eric was secretl

is idea to

-coated haws, which is the medlar fruit he got from the forest. He kn

e a straw post for you. But w

said g

, just let

knew that on the first day he should sell some first to let him get used to it, he pondered and decided to use fifty bamboo sticks. F

dlar and cooked the sugar. Roll through a circle, and place on paper to dry. That's it, this one is simple

one. Let's go

o was arranging candy on the table

, tr

pursed his lips, didn't want to try it, he knew it was v

aiting for, the

aid, he directly took one of t




swallowed but didn't chew,

too fast, l

illar around was straw. The rope around the pole

, you're rea

art, Henry didn't say a word bu

enry, come

motion outside, and a cur

on't be

Eric's small hand. Eric secretly smiled, what

I didn't expect him to do suc

an't talk nonsense. If you want to talk nonsense,

eenager, and the gate was opened. Eric wore a s

you very much, the person here has the r

o say, just say it. If you want to

smile. He looked around for a while and saw that Lily was crying, sobbing wi



do you have

s brother, but calling both his first and last name was an insult to the

ked you where you

at h

to power. Lily heard tha

ll lying to

o you want to say, we d

y, my elder brother, raped my w

oked at Henry, while Henry's col

letely destroy

h…I didn’t expect the eld

cried bitterly, Eric

noisy. The second brother bro


the crowd and looked strai

very fast, covered his mouth, and ran, b

this f

expect tha

Henry clenched his fists, he could not endure anything, but the robb

re all together last night.

has a witness. Could it b

bout our family activities. Besides, I don't hold any g

he goat that brother-i

ese two have witnesses, but Eric, who came here from anot

ister tells the process an

in their stories. If Sean

in-law ho

n front of her eyes, forcing her to

o answer at the same ti

the other two w

id this

na bu

n du

eally know how

d his mouth

m not m

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