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Daddies Wolf#1

Chapter 2 Two: The Town.

Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 31/08/2022


got all fucked up, I'm being sent away from the only house I ever kn

my mistake, discovering that you'

rochromia eyes. One eye is pure green while the other is more blush with a hint of green, from far away it doesn't really show. I also look lik

y was yesterday, no I didn't celebrate it, and I never do anyway. Something happened last night

ma'am. She got pregnant with me on a drunk night and only kept me

en "I'm too dominant for a fragile thing like you". My father was human while she was or well is a dominant werewolf. They got drunk

ll in all the perfect daddy for any little boy, until he died in a car accident when I was six.

st elven years. She moved in to my father house, so it wasn't that hard on me, all I had to do is get used to

sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen awkward

when the tensi

like she didn't want to be here, j

e live with me now" she said wi

k the obvio

like if we had this conversation a thousand ti

re information than just a co

azy and go feral, you'll end up killing someone or killing yourself. It's why we live in communi

id get over with it as if I'm some kin

t know how I feel about being dominated by someone else. I won't

my only home. I put all my stuff in my mother SUV

"Mother" on the way but her only res

n a car, use the internet for entertainment. I decided to check the

known to be a town of mythical creatures and its private laws. Some articles said the town was home to werewolves, vampires and

er in the wood to get drunk, but we didn't get time as a pack of wolf attacked us but they didn't bite or hurt us. They just chased us off until we were back on camping site, there the sheriff and his right hand were waiting. They didn't take us to jail or write us a ticket instead we got "spanked". Yes both of us got. SPANKED like two little misbehavin

e food to make sure we are all fed. I had few more runs with the sheriff he can be to

. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm sick BUT maybe I'm j


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