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Daddies Wolf#1

Chapter 4 Four: New Home.

Word Count: 982    |    Released on: 31/08/2022


he really big trees. So I abandoned the trail and walked toward the r

to a giant tree when I hear some grumbling, looking around I saw three wolves coming toward m

the same thing inside me shift again, I had no explanation for this f

the less and they froze. They looked at me, the leader of the group walke

ying to force his dominance on me. But the thing in

ng in me exploded. I felt pain in my bones every single one h

til he heard my scream of pure torture again. He looked at

eat covering my whole body. The thing inside me wanted out but

ed down, I closed my eyes and focused on the steady ground underneath me. Grounding my mind and body

y knees then my feet, stumbling around till I reached the path again. Walking slowly and on unste

, I gave him an excuse of getting o

some appropriate clothes. Next time I won't even let you pas

et me and I said no, I'm supposed to meet my "mother" at the dinner. The ranger refused to

ay on my own" I tried tellin

s back to the dinner, I tried refusi

h of them trice my size. I was also stuck between them in the buff guy number one

t you to our to

my mother" I te

uld know her" buff two as

uys for the ride" I say trying to get out, th

he gigantic truck when buff

wolves are friendly" he says making me wo

down in a booth alone, I checked my Instagram, Facebook, twit

he jellies when someone sit next to me. Looking u

says while playing wi

I say with

l here?"

a walk around t

like the town" she a

went hiking I like the w

ves did you? They don't hurt anyone btw"

correct they are nice" I lie hid

lief "just stay inside the trails we

but she had to leave afterwards si

l my mother came to get me, finally I cou

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