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Daddies Wolf#1

Chapter 5 Five: Shifting.

Word Count: 842    |    Released on: 31/08/2022


in one story house. She had a backyard that opens to the woods a

ile she walked in, I followed her later and

arch for my mother. I found her in the kitchen sharing a deep kiss with another

er lady was ten shades of red wh

I'm Lydia" she says while o

I tell her shaki

tice she's as short as me, while my mother is proud six foot one. She towers over bot

d look at me

up. Why don't I show you you

e sheets. I put my suitcase in the room and look around

am for everyth

am make me sound old"

Lydia" I give he

rd the shower. After a very long hot shower I put on some pajamas an

light. It felt so comforting, I was afraid of this new house, new life, new everything. I just felt tears

have no description for her but soon I'll be eighteen and I'll be able to leave. S

the bed, I'm so tired that I don't mind

forest and the moon. The moon was calling me over and

rested. I got up and got ready for the day, I had no idea what I'm g

her. I smile and walk in, Lydia gesture for me to take a s

she say

r?" I couldn't

k but you'll see

ish it and try to wash my di

ent about an hour there alone

hes and even offered Lydia help

ome movies but time seemed

round the house, the woods were callin

se. It took me in too deep of the forest, th

e shift again, moving around i

t me alone and subsided. I was happy with my

sive than the one I saw yesterday, they weren't going t

ally sc

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