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Daddies Wolf#1

Chapter 3 Three: Forest.

Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 31/08/2022


y stomach, she can't be real. It can't happens, laws

ouldn't answer me. So I tried to Google some more but all I could

like an idiot so I decided not to. I'm just going to wait and see, Hannah won't let anyo

to go. But Hannah refused to stop or to even let me drive sin

ould've known that if she spent time with me ever. I woke up startl

phone was totally dead so no use of it, looking over at Hannah she alr

her talking to bunch of scary looking guys. I decided to igno

d lady there she looked to be in her

y I help you" she sa

to charge my phone....

ere she have our only electricity plu

beautiful blond hair flowing around her shoulders. Her head

at and tried to g

u...I need to plug my phone" I

me to sit down, she went straight back t

ting to me. Before she left the dinner leaving me alone, I knew no one, had no money and my only transport just abandoned me. I felt like

e alone?" s

My mother just lef

?" she ask again p

. My mother is a


ast name as hers, she refused to let

mumbled the last part under her breath but I heard it.

the counter came and placed a plate full of food

ater. And her you go Tina, breakfast is the most imp

gave me food or made sure I'm fed.

eats. You'll get used to it, and

med student. She's engaged to a former police office

me she's very friendly and we even shared phone numbers. Tina left

to stay put. I sent her a quick message telling her I'm go

en't expected to see was a shop called "Milk&Honey" and guess what it's an adult store. In other words it's a BDSM s

hiking. I always loved the outdoor so did my father, even when I wa

ea, there I was met with an officer. He gave me a quick rundown on what to do and don't while hiking and gave me a map and a whistle. The wh

ew guy in town. I just thanked him and went

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