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When The Alpha Fall In Love

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1540    |    Released on: 12/07/2022


attempted to leap through the window, but I was unable to do so. The tone in whic

selling my body in order to satisfy his financi

from me; how am I supposed to get Ramo

all over my room, opened my closet door, and then began cutting each dress. However, I did not have any o

ocated particularly close to any clothing stores. At the very least, ever

I came across the diamond ring that Ra

ing so hard in my chest that I could barely breathe. It was difficult for me to maintain a norm

ife at that very moment, but then I recalled w

to the nig

I saw him, I hurriedly got into the car, as he had been

ore smiling and telling me, "no worries, sweetheart, the most impor

d and said, "Every time I see your face, my heart races as though it's the first time I've seen you. Every new day

e another. There is nothing in this

leaned in and gave me a kiss behind my ears b

e willing to sacrifice our lives for the other.

eded to pick up our pace if we didn't want to be late

patted my head, and

g him behind my brother's back, I had hopes that Daniel would one day a

as kind, caring, and watchful, and the other members of the pack adored him. He never refused to lend

my feelings for him ar

here was complete silence in every location. The movie was a romantic tale of two people falling in love, so I was looking forward to seeing it. However, I could not have fathomed for a moment that I w

a couple of wedding rings as well as a diamond ring that was intended for me. I felt like yelling and clim

is life and the next. "Would you make a pact with me to remain alive an

to him and gave him a hug, and I said, "yes, yes, I, Evelyn, accept you as my mate, and I

ack comes

rom taking my own life; I needed to fight for the love we shared. I woul

following. That is, until the clock struck seven o'clock, and I heard my brother turning the key in the lock to open the door. I tried to conceal myself by go

ed the bathroom door, and roughed me up while grabbing my hair and yelling at me "therefore, you believed that because you ruined

ncluding an expensive red dress and red high heels that sparkled. I got down on my knees

ch means that tonight is not your first night of fucking. Simply spend the night w

d as if he had no feelings or ears, despite th

didn't pay the money, the alpha would certainly put an end to me. Therefore, your body is

y big. I couldn't even fathom the possibil

f his mouth, "Yes, I will communicate with the alpha and request tha

d a say in

ll as the pack and the leader of the pack! Even though he was already a father and had a litter of puppies, eve

tting myself to my foreboding destiny "Okay, just let me dress

anything more

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