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When The Alpha Fall In Love

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1217    |    Released on: 12/07/2022


he opportunity to get away from the pack by myself, or you c

is no question in my mind that I will accompany you on this journey. There is no other choice

is mind about it after he realized that he loved me more than

aying, "no, I can't take you with me into

e contrary, we are both dedicated to keeping this relationship going! You can't just walk away from me in the midst of all of th

mething, as evidenced by the fact that he was rubbin

ced them on my heart, which was thumping so viole

together; we were made for each other! We have never wav

have to say, because the moon goddess has planned for our relationship. You will not be su

continue to be your mate. I'm going to have to release you. I sincerely apologize. It is

the moment that I take my last breath. However, I have no choice but to depart from this location at this time because I must hurry. There is no need for

, please don't leave me alone; I love you." I was unable to prevent the tears from com

sponsible for his upbringing, entered the r

p yelling, "no, pl

y looked at me for the last time and said, "goodbye, sweetheart." That

evented me from doing so and told me to

ing" even though I was aware that they were merely trying to pass the

, then he went to the castle and got into a fight with the two guards by the gate, and finally, he barged into the alpha's castle without the alpha's permission and killed him! Now, his life is on the verge of being rui

, but that did not stop me from mov

m its sheath and fastened it ar

"if you both didn't unlock that fucking door now and

me leave with them. Regarding this choice, I was not going to back down from my position in any way. We were more than just mates, and if he hadn't been by my side, I'm not sure I woul

person as if they were having an internal conversation

we are unable to separate you from your mate at this time. Nevertheless, don't forget to take care of yourself and pay attention to your needs. Also, kee

to get away from it all and start our lives off on the right foot by being happy together. On the other hand, from this day forward, we will be treated as though we commit


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