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When The Alpha Fall In Love

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 1446    |    Released on: 22/07/2022


the gesture; he was taken aback to see me t

en aback "What are you doing, Ramos, standing

lost both my wallet and my identification card. It's a pretty drawn-out tragedy

you know him already?" Lucas wasn't sure what to

lpha. It's been a while sin

n take Ramos to fix the limo,"

on that he did not want me to repair the limo. I could tell f

ow me to take care of it. I really could not

n learning more about me "That really is strange, isn't it! despite the fact that you u

situation. So I have good skills. Even working as a farmer is fine with me, but I can't look for more work because my money will be gone in

a blow to my emotional well-being, but it was necessary. I had no choice

errupted me and asked, "you have neve

mother. Yes, she is my mother's younger sister. I just didn't want to bring up the subject because she was still livi

but his gaze remained fix

ll hire you to be my personal driver and mechanic, and I'll give you a small room in my castle to share with your sister. All of this will be in exchange for you

he also cautioned me. Nevertheless, I was confident in my ability to find a solution to the pr

gave Lucas the order t

diately began inspecting everything. It didn't take me more than five minutes to make the necessary adju

d here. He is not even close to being a nice person! You are aware that we have been friends for a considerable amount of time, which is why I feel it necessary to tell you the truth:

he hotel in front of me, so it seemed that he was the right hand of the alpha, something close to being beta i

eks while I collect additional funds; after that, I will take my younger sister and depart from the pack. I beg you, please permit me to rema

as if he wanted to check on the limo. He appeared to be concern

turned to me

I responded, "I

e and said, "Oh my goodness, that's fantastic! Therefore, you have been given the position. Therefore, Lucas will show you where you will be staying

lem, alpha. I am prepared to the nth degree "However, Luca

mmanded his driver as they w

said, "therefore, you won't budge from your decisi

y sincere gratitude, close friend. I am aware of the amount of concern

castle, Lucas shared the following information with me: "I have no choice but to obey my alpha's directives." "However, I must let you know that you are not permitted to address me by my name in this location.

by the manner in which he treated me, I

ery word came out of his mouth, "you are

e, s

nowhere to go, no job, and no money, and Evelyn wouldn't stay with me fo

he way he communicated with me, I came to the con

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