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When The Alpha Fall In Love

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 2515    |    Released on: 15/07/2022


n't fantasize about being in his company. I was aware of the fact that I had never in my wildest dreams envisioned spending our first night

ility to rescue him as well as myself. I simply cannot pic

s. Even more embarrassing is the fact that I forgot to inquire about his future plans. All that I was aware of was

d him, "Ramos, may I ask you if you have a

s pack and find a job and a house for us. The only thing left for us to do is to act as

to share a teeny-tiny room with him, I

fore responding, "okay, the

y creepy and dark there. However, after a little over a half an hour, we arrived in the territory belonging

eath; I couldn't have imagined that there were so ma

xiously, "There are too many warriors. What if even one of t

speaking in a tone that soun

ed my cheeks with his large but gentle hands and told me, "Don't worry, no one will ever realize. We will be successful

tone, "but why? What if they deci

tone, "look at you? Who would have the audacity

ng words were giving me a boost of self-assurance. When I was with him, I always had a sense of security, but

d then walked up to the entrance gates. Ramos came up to the warriors and said, "Good morning

each of us, they questioned us b

miles until we reached here. Even Evelyn is experiencing extreme fatigue as a result of the long distance she has traveled while wearing

d me, "before letting you go to the bathroom, let me

elf, saying, "I am Ramos Kingsto

thoroughly, I hastily said, "we ar

o tell them we are a siblings so th

g like that. On the other hand, I just don't feel comfortable saying that we are mated yet. What if they asked us questions about our house, our neig

okay, you can go to the bathroom now." I was relieved. "Please all

y entered the men's room. An elegant man whirled around and stared at me as if he had never seen a she-wolf before, but as he came closer, I could tell he was an alp

d apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't

could reach them, Ramos reassured me that everything was in order by giving me a head nod. After that, he

was completely clueless about the reason. But I just

ands were cold and I was slightly shivering;

d with him to leave, shaking my hea

is wallet, he confirmed,

airport close to the borders of their territory. Because of this, there were a great number of stores and taxis; once the taxi stopped, I said, "

did not take place. Only looking at m

driver inquired, "so

said, "yes, please. However, you should make it into an I

gave a simple nod and

e were sufficiently removed from our pack and the border, as well as from

ad made the reservation for us, we went ahead and went to our room. As soon as I enter

bility that Ramos might be upset because of

didn't you tell them that we are mates?" he almost grooaned in exaspe

n the leader gazed at me for a long time, I got scared. I came to the c

e away together, and all of our pack knew that you killed the alpha because you love me," I hoped that he would comprehend my worries. " In light of this, everyone anticipates that two lovers will flee tog

said, "okay, you convinced m

at the filthy room and said, "it's too tiny and dirty. Do you

g, "well, I guess we'll have to stay here until I find a job. I

trated how bleak our future could possibly be. What a way to start off the first day with the new back! Then, what would happe

sheartened I was, he said,

omething like that after everything that we have been through t

nd stood there alluringly while saying, "Well, at least we

ng our worries to rest, at least for the du

s and incredible that pack was, we never

fter a brief pause, he turned to me and said, "I think we should look for something to eat. Permit me to g

sure. Allow me to accompany y

couldn't help but feel self-conscious as he winked at me. I loved him more than anyone could ever hope to compreh

ttress. Because there was no personal shower in the room, I was required to use the shower that was located in a hallway betwee

My entire body was covered in little droplets of water. Seductively, Ramos licked

he two rooms because there isn't a private shower. It's my opinion that by tomorrow we ought to have located a room that's both c

e asked me, "do you mean that you le

o, I couldn't lock the

d under the bed and yelled, ""Oh

stammered out, "Wha

in anger "I forgot to bring my wallet with me, so I left all of my money here instea

could only make out the darkest parts of what was in front of me. I co

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