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Tangled Story

Tangled Story

Author: Tasnim

Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1790    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

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y achievements, I have supportive friends, a family who adore me more than my

out me?" My lover asks as he kisses

g babe." I say as

is so amazin

voice says that I d

I mutter wi

tass!" Shouts my

my fucking room." I grumble as I

capable of waking up alone, woah what a great big sist

noying peacock!"

iest woman I've ever met in my whole life." He s

hole life beside grandma and mom

comfortable bed and scratch my bed

g for you." He says and

u, dumb bitch." I

oconut shampoo and conditioner on my hair and wash it carefully, as y

wasn't better for me for personal reasons and my parents enrolled me in an expensive school which is Southside High school apparently it's fo

ng along, talking about football things, normally my brother and my dad don't get along most of the time because of James attitude which I

school?" Asks my dad curiously whil

el my stomach churning in a

ecause you saw some 9th grades teen so I


grade that were bullying some kids in my grade, of course, I had a choice between avoid them or to snitch on them but in

shole!" I curse

s kind of language here in my ho

, Jen." James says while po

." I say while rolling my

ily I have!" Dad

go, you don't want to be late for you

that it's now 8:30, I rush to

one." I wave at them

ool, sweetie." M

bus comes in just in time. I got up, I say hi to the driver, search a place and sit on a free se


step down from the bus and lift my head with

o build this magnificent school. Anyway, I go inside the school and I try to fin

me help you." I s

t matter." The person says

uy, wearing a black outfit and a black bandana giving

." The boy asks while

meet you." I introduce m

t you too." He says,

e way to the secret

h su

ry and told me that he would wait

A woman y

organized by alphabetical order on the shelf, the walls are

n, she looks like a rich woman, I guess it's how it

ears her throat, tryin

and I suppose that you are t

e are all the things you need to get started

ocker number. I open my book and looks at

day I










bjects, I don't know

t out and see that Leo is there waiting

o you have right

English a

er now?'' He asks while h

'' I answer him

gether until our

finally, you

or me, I enter and t


boys who look like players and jocks, so I've been placed in a stupid class at least I have Leo. Everyon

a new student in this class.'' The female

ion but I should do it if i want to have a normal school life, I deci

ers with a big smile

'm Jenna Bradsh

outhside!'' The teac

you'' I st

own, feeling

e that in my whole life, I'm sure t

el eyes, a sharp jawline that can cut my finger accidentally, he has everything that a girl could dream of their imaginative prince that won't exist, but why does this boy exist the

te on the first day of your clas

" He says with a playful

es everywhere in his neck, it looks like he just cam

answer to reply to your teacher

He sighs

t day of school, but that will be the last time, now go b

to his seat which is at the ba


him for a moment, but that didn't last

ively toward me


aying but I can feel that someon

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