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Tangled Story

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1102    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

a r t

speare said t

and all the d

of this but if you explore it deeper when

read every time at night to your kids, but if you hear my

I can't, but I will when it is the right time.

e n

s and go to their next period. I personally founded the class interesting, I love everything about literature, I thought about being a journalist because like I s

be late for our next class.

re right.'' I r

ring me again with his piercing, I know really well that it's him, the guy with blue eye

taring at h

in maths in 10 min, come on quick.''

I'm coming, no need

seat. I keep thinking about the guy

he boy with blue

ently, he went to juvie in Texas and someone said that he killed someone but I think he's a dealer so I don't think that he committed homicide. S

believe in my own eyes

des why is he walking as if he was the king of the world? I mean he can't be

about him." I say jokingly to lose

you that this guy can kill you, he

it gave me little daggers in my

out him, he's not w

y even though a part of me

mself and starts his lesson. I couldn't concentrate anyw

ods and brea

ng for, lunchtime. Leo and I go to the c

so hungry!'

in this cafeteria who's hungry." I s

girls pop out of nowhere in my sight, they are talking about the mysterious gu

arter Parker here?" The red-h

e heck

st came back isn't

him!" The red-hai

that's where I see?him,?girls look at him

ve to attract people only with

which he's sucking her neck then he pushes her face away so that he could breathe, he turns his head and, gues

cing me or

shaw, are you goo

right don't w

ur which isolates us from others, Leo takes a chair and I take the

es of silence, Le

u expect someone

n, who would eat with

o why?"

e why the?god Hades?is co

des?" I sa

arter p

d you name h

e on are you kidding me, Leo? A

ing me Leo." I s

ays it back with a smi

e a brain?" I mutter quiet

saying?" He s

to worry about." I say

see the devil him

e kill me

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