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Tangled Story

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

a r t

ink, she blushes softly and looks away from me. I'm still thinking about her

" She mumbles while kissing me har

serious? Why is

can see that we're trying to eat."

business, you bitch!"

me bitch?" She replies with

na, th

the fuck up?"

r and let her he

lence, Brandon interrupts

you." Brandon says to av

with these two bitches." I

goes away fr

to the other side of the cafeteria and find my sunshine with a fucking British guy

t she can get me possessive

rug to me like I need

and make her understand that she's m

baby, she tries to get her respiration back and she turns her head to look at me. She's really beautiful, big hazels eyes looki

m I feeli

ant?" She says

e is?a?sassy woman who d

ke t

here since I own this

here with us?" She asks, poin

o introdu

at, I already know who y

I ask her while star

oy." She says as she takes a

doing and watch the scene

me, rage pulses through my veins I can

spect me and you know what do I do to those who don't show me

n't know.

t and I could tell that it's

over to her friend for help and panic, when I see her like that it makes me f

ave to talk to you in pri

" She murm

e n

stands what I just did, I walk toward the bin to throw my food, it's such a waste but then

the hall violently, he opens a door that leads to a random classroom and pushes me before slamming the door close. I begin to get away from him but he quickly tak

" He whispers as he trails h

ing to him, but then conf

talking?" He ask

cared that you

urt you, I swear." He

back in my old town, I wasn't that shy, sweet girl back then I was Jenna the girl who brings troub


s outside smoking with my boyfri

you to come wi

ng parents won't let me!?"?

because he's a bad influence on me, I try to consider their decision but they're still

a drug dealer, he uses me to attract people for buying his packages, he made me wear slutty clothes, learned me how to use a gun, forced

escape,?I?find you and punish you, leaving marks with my belt...

beyed him and let


want to say it but I feel safe with him. The bell r

o let you go, for now, see you later Je

did he kno

left alone i

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