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Tangled Story

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1174    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

e n

ook only 10 min, I went straight away to my house,?

together, they are both partners forever, I wish to have the same love as for them. Suddenly, someone interrupts my thoughts by knocking on the door, I went dow

t Jen?" He asks as he

, how was

ho were gazing at me like I was some kind of fresh meat." He says

that in middle school, n

u do a cake for me please." He asks

irst." I si

tence, he runs upstairs and slams the d

liked it. At first, he said that it sucks but I forced him to listen to this song in the loop and he loved

kes, I start to prepare the base and while doing that I begin to sing bad guy from Billi

or 10 min so that the cake would be ready, I go back to my r

in l

heated make-out session. As I'm walking downstairs slowly to not disrupt their session, James comes in right in

heck are you guys

form was dishevelled and her hair too who is normally in a bun, her

see you guys here."

ere still in school." D

s here in the house." James

hool?" My mom says as she takes

uys?" I ask as I take out the

he gang that we've been following them for

ng?" James a

with 10 members." Mom reply and she

hes, I made a cake you guys could e

for being here and also to make our life

e your reward for catching the

is clothes, I go back to the kitchen while Ja

then I put it on the table and bring the cak

room with the cake, James feels al

delicious." He says as he put do

you should thank me." I s

put down the cake and sit on a chair, we hea

us smell?" Dad asks

s cake!" My

believe this." M

t's eat shall we?" I a

James and dad are speaking about some football game, my mom is talk

and they ordered my brother to do his homework, I'm glad that I

go to Instagram and I see I have 3 notification, I got one follower from Leo, I

the real C

in which his profile picture is h


he got and boy he got 115k followers, his pag

basically normal to see his followers numbers up whi

and instantly I accidentally

.what did I do?" I cha

rn off my phone, put it down on

n school,

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