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A Billionaire's Lost Love (All Volumes)

Chapter 2 First

Word Count: 1450    |    Released on: 22/07/2022

rning until the afternoon. But do remember to bring your umbrellas

job offer sent to me. It was sent via e-mail. But I took it upo

o be given such a high position at such a prestigious company. I was already thankful when I passed the evalua

ay at a

the driver's eyes throu

. My grip on the files tightened as I was remin

'll be just fine. You seem to be a person with

y Blossom

ecifically? That's the ho

am Corpor

ne of the most prestigious companies in the country," he said, surprised. "I heard that

er, I couldn't help but be filled with pride when I got accepted for a position in the company. To be the CEO's secretary was simply the cherry o

ight. "If you passed their hiring process, it mean

out the window and let out a deep breath. I didn't realize that I was holding it in for far too long. Who w


y entry, I couldn't help but marvel over the elegance of the building. Actually, I shouldn't be surp

ght to enter. Thus, the whole structure was enlightened without the use of so much power. Ver

ched the receptionist. As I reache

iled, "Good morning, madam. What ca

or my phone. I opened it and went to the Messages app. I then showed her the text me

nto it. She turned back to me and said, "While we wait, you can have a seat here," she pointed at the lounge ch

ep myself calm. I still felt the nerves crept up my body as I waited. And it didn't help every time somebody would leave or enter the

ne back to me and grabbed an ID from her drawer. "Here you are, madam," she said as she gave the ID to me. "You're called to the forty-ninth floor, which is our top floor.

very much

the elevator. Whilst I waited for the elevator to arrive, I wore the temporary ID and tried my best to ca

hat this day w


eptionist on the top floor remarke

ks were shaking. I put my hands behind me

re soon." With a smile, she added, "Allow me to be the fir

are you congratulating me right away? I'm still going

wered her voice, "Want t

replied, a b

nd one more time before she whispered, "I saw your

for a second before it raced once again. My brain got a lit

ed with gladness as she gri

my head as I stuttered. "I find it impossible to be h

ystem says you're already hired," she smiled. She added, "I guess you'll undergo t

possible. I couldn't be that lucky to pass the application process,

its direction and out came a tall man in a black suit. His hair was slicked back and his square

onist and she watched in awe

ing, sir,"

our day been?" the receptionist

aid, "So far, everything's

e finally composed herself, she cleared her throat and

turned to me. He took a good look at me and said

d walked b

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