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A Billionaire's Lost Love (All Volumes)

Chapter 4 Third

Word Count: 1284    |    Released on: 22/07/2022

and new tablet and a box of headphones. I l

business trips," he explained. He continued, "The headphones are for calls. I already incorporated a software into y

his is for me? I didn't expect this to happen next. I'm still at

e in taking care of our employees, especially those who do heavier workloads. This is our boss' w

everything on her wishlist for Christmas. I couldn't believe h

your question

as I couldn't find the r

our workstation," he replied as


I was shown around my desk, I immediately got everything settled and worked. The only thing that Mr. Kim reminded me that I couldn't finalize anything. Asid

onfirm the schedule now. Is it okay to call you back

lem," the cli

you once everything is settled on our end. Thank you and have a great day," I replied. After

away for a while, everyone. Make sure to finish half of your tasks before

hey all answe

ontinued, "Miss Ryuk, the

and immediately, I was put under such pressure to look after one whole floor. I sat back dow

a group of ladies walked up to me. One of them

, I'm Ryuk Mingyu. It's very nice to

to me. The girl at the center replied, "I'm Chun Minj

wards them

d your first da

well," I said. I added, "I never worked for a big company before, espe

r first job?

orked at fast food chains before. So,

range smile. No one said a word, th

as I said, "If you need an

tually, we do need help with a few thin

no pr

to the fax room and other lower floors. I want to bring them mysel

at," I smiled. "Do you

thing is on

" I answered as I moved a

disturb you if you're currently doing som

, Mr. Kim did say that if you need

d at one another

, "Okay, then, hold on for a mom

your time,

w e-mail from the finance department and it said I should review e

ds for this,' I thought to myself. But before I could compos

of the piles, "Is everything that needs to be delivered. You see these sticky notes?" she continued as she pointed the various colored

s! Why was she given this sort of task? If I was the one who got this position, I would be the fittest employee of this com

ctioned compilations of documents. Some were only a few page

this?" Minju asked once again. "You

back at her, even though I was alr

," she smiled. She gave me a pat on the s

n't doing anything much, I might as well get these done. I didn't want to be away f

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