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A Billionaire's Lost Love (All Volumes)

Chapter 5 Fourth

Word Count: 1922    |    Released on: 22/07/2022

all as I dragged myself out of the damned elevator. Thankfully, th

I was caught by surprise when I saw that there was no one the

ivering files! I rushed over to my laptop and was horrified that I had forty voi

ight on the spot as our eyes met. She checked

rofessionalism, "Hi, there. Is the

eplied, "I think I should

ure what y

g. And it's already lunch break and you're s

t from the table. "I guess that's what's incl

self, especially when you did something that isn't your responsibility," she protested. S

den remark. Baffled, I asked

swered, "You can resume work later. Right now, it's lunch break.

many miss

well-being and that includes your health," she argued. She added, "I almost lost

. Mind explaining to me what you meant b

if you join me downst

d this action a few times before I finally grabbed my ba


taff and my fellow co-worker were kind enough to tell me that the food was free. I wasn't

an agonizing silence for about five minutes. U

ind me asking. But what is your name? We've been together for th

e replied as she opened her juice box. "Welcome to the family, Mingyu. I hope Minju didn't give

s been a tiring morning but I just acce

you did wasn't a part of your job." S

part of my job?" I immediatel

ne spoke from behind me, "Did

end group. With a smile, I nodded and said,

iggled. "If you don't mind, there are still a few piles

stead of passing it to other pe

I turned ba

mind staying out of matter

rly again. I thought you forgot your job description so I might as

ded anything, I could tell her. I needed help

't do the same thing with every other co-worker on our floor. There's also n

someone who started from the fax room."

e who only got her job because of


be mindful of your actions before it reaches other people." She leaned in closer and lowered her voice, "Don't you have a repu

r hand, were horrified at what would happen next. But instead of pro

nued, "Just because they have all the money, the latest cars and tallest penthouses, they forg

confused. What just

e box and said, "I assume yo


company because her father's company is a partner of ours. That's why she acts superior to others," she exp

elping her out?" I asked another

including me. And with every person who stepped in as a secretary, they were abused and ridiculed by her," she continued. "What

manipulative person that Soyoung described as. She and her friends seemed welcoming. I w

vice?" Soyo

my thoughts and n

guys, either. The only ones that you can trust is Mr. Kim and me." She added, "Not to toot my own horn. But I will never disrespect you or g

"Why shouldn't I

her think you're flirting or it's easy to get into your pants." She continued as she stirred her ramen, "As for the ladies, they

t a part of al

the food chain. I was one of the very few who had luck on their side and reached the forty-n

sful business people, have connections or rich family backgrounds. And if

myself taking such measures in order to get a higher position. I would gladly resign to regular, ev

ork," Soyoung continued her rant. "Their positions are given to them on a silver platter. And because of that

's why I don't have frien

I'm your friend," I re

You're so quick to trust others. Don't y

n a lot of ways. However, as much as I can, I try to see

athers would teach their kids to be strong and ster

ooked down at m

f left for lunch. So, we might as well enjoy ourselves," Soyoung said, which cau

ou," I a

nt more, don't be afraid to ask me. I have a lot of

ould seem like this day wa

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