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A Billionaire's Lost Love (All Volumes)

Chapter 7 Sixth

Word Count: 1610    |    Released on: 22/07/2022

he times that I would go back and forth to my desk. I was also sh

done, Mr. Kim pull

didn't know what to sa

made me look at him. He continued, "I just want to un

ain. And because of my discomfort, I shifted numerous times on my

t's going on and that's a bad thing. I'm not sure if everything

"I was only helping Minju with her files this morning. She said she h

uk, everybody here has their own job to do. And because they signed a contr

sible in helping them in any

e said. "Remember, Miss Ryuk, that your position is higher th

ost especially, when

d as I was conf

pecifically, in regards to her attitude towards new employees. Even the ones who were hired for the secretarial position, she mistre

rue. And I felt bad that I fed into her sweet smile and nice words.

s floor. I clearly understood what she said

"I understand that you only want to help them. And as a part of a company that aims to help others, you embodied that core

right away. If you don't want to, that's fine. We have cameras everywhere so we can see everyone. But please, don'

u for not believing what Minju accused me of. I didn't expect that she wi

r a business trip. But after hiring you, the boss specifically told me to keep an eye on you. And base

back. To be treated well by the boss was a rare event in most workplaces. I wa

Miss Ryuk. Again, do your job well and don't le


he door and I obediently followed behind him. He then opened


ir faces. It was as if they anticipated that I was fired. I then turned to Soyoung and she alre

your contract and don't pass it to your co-workers because they have their own work to worry about." He started at Minju for a minute before he added, "If I catch

m," we repli

asks." He turned around and before he en

cemails. But I felt the cold glares from Minju and her friends onto my back. I was a bit shaken. Bu


eople who walked on sidewalks. That was the view that pas

idn't have their own vehicle. I was caught by surprise as I was willing to take the cab home. But the comp

h glares pierced through my back during the remaining hours of the day. And as much as I tried not to pay any attention to it, it still bothered me. Because of that, I remained cautious throughout the entire d

city. After I saw nothing but vehicles and people in suits,

ack to whe

ad, filled with trees and a massive plain, it calmed my mind and senses. At the same ti

eyed and I soaked in the gentle touch of the sun. And as I reopened my eye

rbs. A peaceful and sophisticated neighborhood was now in full view. But instead of

any urgent matters and he wanted me to get used to reading these kinds of

s interrupted when my driver remarked, "So many

nd met his eyes th

ust be a sweet pl

times, yes," my words slipped as I wasn'

to be enthusiastic about living in such a peaceful area. B

. "You know what they say," I looked directly into t

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