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Fated To Be Queen

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1205    |    Released on: 07/08/2022

es looking at Sarah. Before Sarah could say any other word, Alpha Reid had reached her presence. Elena bowed to the floor quickly, she didn't dare look at the face of the Alpha. “How dare y

elty. Sarah didn't want to get on the bad side of the Alpha so she walked towards him even though she didn't know his voice came from, she could scent him. The scent that radiated off him was different, different from any scent that she had perceived. Alpha Reid was confused when she walked toward him, she wasn't looking at him or the floor but the sky. She stretched her hand forward as if checking for a barrier before him. Looking at her, he noticed that her eyes were pale silver, there were no orbs in them. He didn't realize it earlier. Licking lips lower lips, he said, “Hold on,” he sized her up. Sarah paused, her face looking in space. Alpha Reid walked towards her, he stood in front of her and raised his palm. “How many am I holding up?” his face was fixed on hers. “I don't know.” Her lips quivered and her face fell. “What?!” Then he lowered his head to her face, he stared without blinking into her eyes but she didn't move an inch except when his scent filled her nostrils. “You can't see me?” he wondered. “Yes, please don't kill me.” Sarah cried. She was scared that the Alpha will kill her because she was disabled. “Fuck!” He groaned and then turned around. Just then, Beta Alex walked in. He had gone to the bathroom earlier only to be back to see the bar empty. “What is going on?” Alex asked. “Take her home.” Alpha Reid uttered then walked out of the room. His face was gloomy and he didn't look nice at all. Beta Alex nodded and walked to Sarah who was still scared of the two men. “You are not a part of our pack? Which pack are you from?” he asked looking at her. Meanwhile; Alpha Reid reached home, he ignored all of the pack members who greeted him as he walked to his room which was on the top floor of the pack house. He entered his room and slammed the food shut. “You are playing with me, right? You're playing with me?!” Alpha Reid yelled at the sky. “How can you pair me with a freaking blind wolf? Her wolf was even weak,

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