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Fated To Be Queen

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1128    |    Released on: 07/08/2022

was little. Before Sarah could stand up, her stepmother had pounced on her and gave her heart-wrenching slaps. Ever since Sarah came up without more money, her step mom had been maltreating h

ah. Sarah paused, she bit her lower lips. She knew that Tiffany and Chloe had never liked her so she expected them to mock her; they always did. “Sarah, I heard that your stepmother sent you out of the house and wouldn't allow you to come in unless you earn some money,” Chloe started. Sarah wanted to hiss and walk away until Chloe said something that got her interested. “Some men at the old fashion house are looking for women who will wear some clothes. You can go there and try your luck, you will earn some money especially because you have an amazing stature.” Chloe finished her words. Sarah suddenly took interest in what Chloe had said, she knew about the old fashion house. Sarah knew about her amazing body even though she had never seen it. Many people complimented her for it. “Are you sure?” Sarah asked to be sure. “Wait, you are thinking about it?” Tiffany looked shocked then she burst into laughter. Sarah rolled her eyes. “Yes, of course. They don't need your eyes in fact, your silver eyes make you look more beautiful, you should try it.” Tiffany uttered then walked away with Chloe. Sarah thought about it for some minutes, she needed money and her stepmother wouldn't allow her into the house except if she brought some money. Shaking her head sadly, Sarah decided to go to the Old Fashion house using her walking stick and counting her steps. Soon, she reached in front of the old fashion house confirming from a stranger who said she was truly in front of the place. Sarah heaved a sad sigh and then walked into the place. “Hello,” She called as she walked in. “Who are you?” came a voice. Sarah turned her head sharply in the direction, she noticed that a man was in front of her. “Hi, I am here to model the clothes,” Her voice was a little shaken, she was overwhelmed; afraid but she really needed the money. Sizing her up, the m

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