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Fated To Be Queen

Chapter 9 Nine

Word Count: 1033    |    Released on: 07/08/2022

r. Her stepmother had said some things to her father which made him so angry. However, whatever she had said was all a lie. Now, Sarah wouldn't be able to tell her father tha

ard. However, she hit her head against a hardwood that looked like a wardrobe. “Ouch!” she mouthed then continued her search for the door. She soon found the wall and then placed her hand on it, she began to move forward hoping to meet the door again. Shortly, she found a door and opened it but the smell of air freshened informed her that it was the bathroom so she locked it quickly and continued her search. Moving five more feet in a circular motion, she found another door, she was excited but when she tried to open it, she found out it was locked. “Damn!” she groaned and stomped her feet. “You passed out,” Aurelia uttered. “I’m claustrophobic, what did you expect?” Sarah snapped. “Why are you angry at me?” Aurelia noticed. “Because he picked me up and placed me in a freaking booth but I know you won't say anything about it. I am pretty sure you are going to defend him, again!” Sarah was angry. Her anger made tears gather in her eyes. “He was not angry but jealous. Your nude pictures are all over the internet, did you expect him to be happy about it?” Aurelia raised her brows. “Shut the hell up and support me for once. I don't need a jealous, brutal and harsh mate. I'd rather die alone than have someone who reminds me of my father. Haven't I suffered enough in the hands of my father and stepmother? Is this it? Will I die suffering from no one on my side?” “Xander is on our side, you know? He took us to a dungeon but Xander fought him until he brought us to the room.” “A room locked like I am a prisoner?!” Sarah wasn't having any of it at all. “I suffered with you every day, you know? I want a chance at happiness too. I want to feel loved and I wan

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