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Fated To Be Queen

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1154    |    Released on: 07/08/2022

n left the room leaving Richard with her. Richard smiled and went to sit at a table. His eyes were on Sarah, he licked his lower lips. She was wearing a flay gown but her shape was still very o

hielded her boobs and cleavage from being seen. “Just wear the bikinis and lingerie and we promised not to touch you.” Sarah nodded her head. Few Minutes Later: In the green room, Sarah stood in front of the camera wearing a bikini, she was so embarrassed and scared but there was nothing she could do. The men had promised not to touch her and they didn't. She wore the clothes herself and the only time they touched her was to position how she was going to pose for the camera. Sarah was so sexy in the lingerie and bikini. She looked like a goddess from heaven. Her skin was without blemish, white and clean like porcelain. Her face was slim, her cheeks were accentuated. Her jaw lines were a killer. Without make-up, her face looked perfect. Her brunette hair stood out, her silver eyes complimented her uniqueness. She was perfectly craved. “How can a girl be this pretty.” Richard looked at each photo, he couldn't take his mind off it. She was now wearing the last piece of lingerie. She already looked exhausted but she posed the way they had motioned her to. After she was done, she was given her pay which she collected. Her pride was without letting her collect it at first but after thinking about it a couple of times, she collected it and walked away. “Come back tomorrow, please,” Simon screamed at her. Sarah didn't look at them, she headed towards the door. She was scared they would change their minds and keep her in the place so she didn't stop until she was far away from the place. Looking at the money in her hand, tears sprawled out of her eyes. She had never been humiliated in her life. Her dignity and pride were tampered with. She was displeased with what she had done earlier but what could she do? Nothing. If she didn't collect the money her stepmother wouldn't allow her into the house. Sarah sighed, seeing the money in her hand, she felt a little relieved. She began to walk further, counting her steps until she

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