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Protecting Neal (#1 in the Odd Billionaire Series)

Chapter 2 My Dottie

Word Count: 1713    |    Released on: 07/10/2022

had done in the past two years was sitting by a desk, handling complaints from snotty suburban women, most of

er body weight was a problem! She could quite handle herself. She was nimble, heck she was pointing a gun at a supposed te

rorist yelled, taking slow step

her pointy finger on the trigger. "Take one more

a shirt all buttoned up, looking rather corporate for a terrorist. That was a thing now

ehind him. She watched his shoulders tense a

in the police academy,


hot a

oved her hand at the last minute, Neal would be hearing angels sing. A

ling profanities about a certain part of the poor man's anatomy. She was quite

oped into the scene, one after the other, he

d, taking off his helmet. And as if he had

women and children stuck in the building, huddling for their life. With a frea

at. "They're... They

them laugh harder

o see the policewoman pick herself off the floor, after s

upward, exposing her face and squ

at him and Neal felt his

." He b

one who had pointed at Neal and called him the 'stutte

roke l

t at Neal. Neal didn't think he had mistakenly shot the police guy. Not with the way the

heard a yell to his left and when he looked, Dorothy was launching her 170-pound body at him, knocking him out o

rs, he fell to the floor. He saw Dorothy remove her helm

hand to touch her face, slipping i



had stared up at him with dreamy hazel eyes, her small body w

ven back then, the glare of the bright orange star had hurt his eyes terribly. When he finally foc

hroat. He glanced around for his mama and felt his lips turn d

ther girl spoke up, glaring at him with dark green eyes and


horrid. His mama always did cry when he said things he shouldn't say. She would squint her eyes and look

oned and when Neal looked up, he saw her grinning widely, proudly d

hands in apology. The little girl had trie


s eyes looked as round as saucers and he looked a lot l

t works every tim

s with much interest and looked like th

to him. Happy?" Stacey murm

she would do if he touched her beautiful hair. From the look

flailed her hands

ped off leaving Neal alone with the

ced with a flourish and t

other and run off. But Neal learnt and in the years that followed, he learne

d. "You sa

ace flushed red an

She calls me Teatea. It sounds like pee and I hate it. Dad

his mouth. What was he doing talking, when he had ma

reamer eyes at him and the knot in his stomach loosened. She wasn't going anywhere. Ot

ng with the button on t

ed like love." She cooed, reachi

could hide it from her. "It's ... It is hea

his entire being. No on

anymore!" She exclai

, unable to come up w

at my mama says." Dorothy defend

mother had told him it was heart-shaped and it had

. The boy was older but he lacked good sense. It was pointless

mama napping on a bench. She would have to ask he

watched Stacey soar to the sky on th

play on t

less his chances of doing something that would make his mother cry

for swings." He

laugh. "How old are you?

defiance. "I... I am t-ten years old. A

ed her chocolate brown hair. "I am j

y." Neal sputtered and regretted it

y, who persisted despite his actions, curled her lips in hurt and

ing his precious heart-shaped button an

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