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Protecting Neal (#1 in the Odd Billionaire Series)

Protecting Neal (#1 in the Odd Billionaire Series)

Author: Miriel Oye

Chapter 1 Knee Deep Shit

Word Count: 1612    |    Released on: 10/08/2022

in knee-d

e building, rocking everyone on their feet. He hated public

ew why he h

e blast, the burly Mexican man conveniently disappeared. If Neal was going to go all gungh

rom the fallen ceiling of Crystal Event Hall fell all over his black tuxedo. His vision was blurry

been pl

well enough that someone was after him. Someone ruthless enough t

him, screams and wails prevailed almost drowning him in a cacophony of n

the floor, but his dancing partner had pulled him too close at the last minute, grinding her chest against him in a move that was definitely not par

ndelier crash

pletely and he had fallen

that he was dead. No one seemed to be running in that direction however but he was fairly certain that was the entrance to the hall. Gingerly h

solid 6"2 and his frame was bulky but if he had any say in it, most of it was rather inherited. And his huge frame had been a

ut of his damn business! Ever since his public blunder four months ago, he had never had a more hectic daily schedule in his entire life. Everyone in California wanted to k


get the hell out of there. And find a way to disappear. At least

efore his very eyes, outside the Crystal event Hall, there was a man

l s

ook a deep breath, ignored the pain at th

is voice, when he wasn't yammering

d listen, he just hadn't wanted to beg for his life like those cliche p

grow sweaty. Oh, wonderful. He was getting nervous and soon he would be u

tead, the person simply held a gun up and waited. Neal would bet that he was simply delaying for the one

e hooded figure suddenly and dashed back inside the ha


rough the earpods placed in her right ear and swiftly s

the best nigh

rking duty, she was immensely grateful to be on a heart-pulsing missio

in a way

hissed behind her, shov


er commander hiss

ith shitty people who thought they had the right to judge her. There were civilian

al of what's go

the exit of the building along with four others, two on her left and right. A Series of gunshots

a cop? Oh, she wished she could whip out her phone and take a selfie. Her shou

ing weirdo." The cop closest to her

adn't always seen it that way. Heck, she hadn't cared one tiny bit about

upposed to be a detective. If her parents had anything to do about it, they would've stashed her behind a co

the other remarks that lived on in her head

st and rubble in the large rectangul

three grandchildren. Fear. Dorothy thought and gnawed her lip in a

ck. Everyone seems shaken sir. But I don't see any

ecause he had wanted to be a soldier, but his height failed him. Yeah, that was the kind of man he was. He also didn't like Dorothy much but she was fairly c

Lane, move in. All of you on the right-wing, cover

er gun while eyeing the area for any sudden movement. Charles dashed

events, ma'am?" He teased as he helped her s

y the hero. She'd bet her horses that were why he had joi

ped around to face it. A man. He ran towards them rath

ance, cocked her gun an

hands in the air.

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