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Alpha's Tortured Hybrid Mate

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1070    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

r 42’

ld call clothes, but I managed to suppress the sa

at the sight o

o like all good suppliers, I must replenish the stocks. Only t

e most excellent feedback. It's so wonderful to have you as sou

and it reverberated lowly in the depths

ad heard the growl. If she had,

ps I'll play a little before i harvest from you th

e closer and I knew from past experience there wa

that lay in the middle of the room and smiled sweet

ng in my stomach again. I didn't know

tle jars with pieces of my flesh, I laid there in silence. She wou

pected the areas that she was going to assault next. Bef

ded by darkne

under her breath as the lights in the corridor

y at the area she had been about to slice into. She ex

n't miss me too much!" She tittered happily, blowing me a ki

ove. It was like being glued to the surface below you and comp

ntless flashing red light continued and graduall


ormal. It was

and gradually the weight on my arms


wonder what

at movement outsi

ne way, I could see out, but th

utes were taking in the corridor though

he slid down slowly, revealing the aggressor as some sort of half wolf, half man.

this is it? Was this

e corridors as q

vigated this maze of corridors and rooms. The bodies of the he

s happening, and I don't t

who she shouldn't have.' The voi


stice? I thought to

the rescue was for me. I hoped they were

t they made

the enticing promise of light

It smells fresh.' ?The

smells like? We've been here

. As if it were yesterday.' The v

, stepping over lifeless bodies

face as I pushed back the fear of running

so bright that I agai

the sounds of intense battle assaulted my senses, I

at I could make out was towards a densely wooded area that was fence

as I began to make my way over as quickly

was that there were multiple forms fighting furiously not too far away, the

hey were too dis

nd, making myself as small as p

s fought viciously, destroying the henchman and ma

e more. We ca

e wolf turned to stare

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