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Alpha's Tortured Hybrid Mate

Alpha's Tortured Hybrid Mate


Chapter 1 : Prologue

Word Count: 634    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

r 42’

if I do, I don't remember it

I don't even know how old I am, or how

n they took me. It's the only vague memory tha

d, their features lost to the haze of time. Fa

y, then I would. If it wasn't for the voice inside me that

trapped in this darkn

the chains that bind me to the wal

the wetness of the open sores they have caused crust over in the damp, f

hair matted and plastered to my face with the sweat from the humidity of thi

. All I can do is sit and wait for my number to be called. To experie

too much, she took over, pushing me to the back of my

he pain and soreness afterwards as she retreate

r, for not being able to set us fre

ere had turned my

I was

o myself at

will show you who you truly are. I should be stronger th

e the voice. We weren't at fault. No on

looked for me. If they had ever tried to find me. Or

uld never have given us away w

her reason that this torture would be

I felt its whimper at my d

around my neck digging into the base of my skull and exhaled heavily, closing my eyes a

auled before the woman that took great delight

to the gods above that I would be forgot

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