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Alpha's Tortured Hybrid Mate

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1334    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

r 42’

rowled loudly as it turned its b

n make it!' The voice insisted, pushing

ly towards me, its comrades filling in b

ith urgency screamed in my head s

face, stumbling over the uneven terrai

rd the sounds of the undergrowth being

ing in my throat as I frantically

me alive in order to farm my body just to f

r gradually became louder

hind me, but I didn't want to stop to

e last minute and as hard as I tried to

and fell downwards, turn

ow me, I saw the silhouette of a fig

rounded the air as I hit the water and wa

sed and turned in the undercurrent. The water was murky, visibi

er athletic ability I may have h

done well.' The voice insisted as I let myself be p


The entrance was blocked by what I assume was a waterfal

distort any scent trails, but so far, no on

lagued me was noticeably absent as

aled a little, which took me by surprise. It usually took me long

formation. When it happens again, it will not be as

transformation? What a

een disbelieving when I have tried to explain.' The voi


lot. There was no way that I h

e if I had gone a little crazy. I'm fairly sure having bits cut out of

out of the cave and tell me if an unconscious hu

e looking ledge that I must have navigated, I had to han

ed curiously. "We have our

. Roam and hunt and explore and

ot of strength, I am tired. So very VERY tired." I sighed as I

sleep in your human form and we will hunt and run fr

The warmth spreading a

d don


I ventured down to the pool

by the moonlight, I stripped free of my stained and

as exhilarating. A feeling of utter

eborn and I was being clean

carried by the current. The sight of the stars and the clouds scuttling o

le time attempting to clean the blood and grime out of my h

e forward?' The voic

agreed withou

ain did not scare me anymore. I had the scars I

upon the ground, the voice reassured me that it woul

e. My body had to memorise the motions, like a torturo

and silently underto

side as we stared out of the same two eyes. A share

e beautiful reflection before me. Golden eyes stared

te that blended seamlessly into the gold before the main coat of

were indeed beautiful. I ha

after all. I guess I shouldn't have given you s

y rare and will lend power to the dark spells they work. She would gloat about the uses for the parts of our body that she harveste

that you did for us, for me, while we were there. S

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