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Alpha's Tortured Hybrid Mate

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1294    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

r 42’

are one. Come. Let us forget the

s, exploring the wildernes

rest during the evening and through to the sunrise as my wolf ran to her

her prey to feed our growling belly. The primal satisfaction she felt

ong time. It felt like forever. As o

s sung by faceless people in blurry surroundings, and I would sing

requented, but we would disappear as soon as we scented them. There

t in our abilities to defend ourselves, although my wolf invited the

r freedom sated, and we looked for a place to

e obscured somewhat by vegetation. Fresh water, plent

n the lake. I had no need for clothes when I could w

esh. I had developed ample hips, a healthy

t we were both so fearful of being caged again, it was almost as i


my feet splashing in the water as the warm air flowed freely over my skin. I was so

purpose on this land!" An angry

. How had I not hea

to them slowly so we can see what we'

had the pleasure of smelling assaulted me. It reminded me of the forest in winter, with ice o

' my wolf brea

ales stood motionless, their su

face them as a low growl rang out from a male in the mi

ng eyes on her, I will have your heads…..Do i make

and looked away, turning their backs, lea

as beating incredibly fast, and I was beginning to fe

eassure me as he began to move towards me slowly, his

ed across his eyes. He stopped his advance, and I lowe

r name?" He asked gently. He was good to

e don't have a name!' I

n Alpha. He is powerful. If he meant to harm us,

ak English?" He a

n I felt. He looked relieved m

me your name?"

I answered, earnin

er? Then what do

calls me anything." I replied, as a look

ems very…impersonal. You're too beautiful t

lt his eyes wash over me quickly, and I took

long as you please. I would like to offer you a place in our pack lands, though. Somewhere safe to

ds. That's why we're here patrolling. I woul

r a while before h

, holding his hands up as h

ant to know his name at

as he reached h

nts to know your name

my heart melt and my wolf whined in appreciat

y wolf, is Brutus." He said before turn

ames . Should we have names t

d to have a name, but it escapes me. I can't remember it, no matter

nderstand why. The enticing smell that had appeared

tion I had taken part in willingly since we had escaped.

the last time that I saw him, and the thought ma

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