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Chapter 8 What's wrong Lydia

Word Count: 1578    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

e show Naomi something on their text book while eating pizza. * Here, I will pick it out and explain alright but before then, go through it and try to understand in your own way" Naomi sai

want to know what he will say. Naomi parked her textbook as she arranged it on her shelf before laying down. * Good night" Naomi said for kaila to nod. * Good night gir]" Kaila said focusing on her movie. The next morning, the roommates arrange for the day classes,after they left their room to lecture hall. » The Liberian have she call you about the work?" Kaila asked as they walk together into their lecture hall. " she said she will send my approval to my email." Naomi said for kaila to nod. Jordan walk towards them as he sat between the two ladies. * Morning pretty" Jordan greeted his friends before turning to face kaila. " Good morning " Naomi greeted but kaila ignored. "Kai?" Jordan called for kaila to look at him before she respond. " morning." kaila said with attitude. "I'm sorry, let me treat you to Dinner tonight " Jordan said for kaila to look at him..." why didn't you call like you promised " kaila asked for Jordan to sigh. " Something came up with my family and I had to do something so I couldn't give you my call" Jordan said for kaila to sigh. "I'm so sorry,I was just childish. I didn't.. " shhhhh, you have nothing to do with it alright." Jordan interlock their fingers smiling. " arrheem...this is a lecture hall guys, not lovers den" Naomi said for Kaila to blush that's when, Harvey and his crew walked in. Immediately they pass by Harvey interlock his eyes with Naomi who immediately bow her head. they walked to the back sit and sat down as the lecturer walk in too. The lecture started, just like always, Naomi answered three questions asked by the lecturer before the end of the lectures and they all send their assignment through email before leaving the hall. at the school cafeteria, Naomi and her friends where taking their lunch when Harvey and his crew pass by. " Harvey, I called last night and you refused to pick up" Lydia said to Harvey who look at his phone. »Text me the location, NAOMI " the sms read for Harvey to smile. " At the school parking garage, I will pick you up. 2pm" Harvey text back and close his phone. * Harvey, I was asking a question " Lydia said for Harvey to look at her. » we need to talk Lydia, now... guys give us a minute alone" Harvey said for Daniel, Khelani and Joshua to leave. " Baby, I know you are still mad at me but I'm sorry, ok I won't get close with you too much I promise " Lydia said for Harvey to shake his head. * No Lydia, I'm tired of this thing we called relationship. It's over Lydia, you are beautiful and guys will be all over you. Just forget about me, we can be

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