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Chapter 6 It's just a crush she has on him

Word Count: 1528    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

his devilish smile that caught her food in her troat that she can't swallow but just stare at him. He has a black ear ring on his left ear that makes him look m

as she became angry. "Stop it Kaila its just a crush she have on him. Nobody will be in a good mood after finding out your crush has a girlfriend" Jordan held Kaila hand without noticing. Immediately he notice he retrieve his hand back. "Oh Naomi common girl Harvey is not a guy to love OKI know I can't choose for your heart but Harvey..no way" Kaila said holding Naomi hands. "Can we leave now, I want to check the library about the student job" Naomi force a smile at them. "Why do you want the library job, they collect student depends on your grades from first C.A," Jordan said looking at the girls. "I need it to fulfill my daily needs, I can't be hoping to get my meal bills to be on you guys" Naomi said looking at them. "Oh..let's go then" Jordan immediately understand her as he knew only student with poor background go for campus job,his brother who was a graduate from NYU once told him something's about the school. The three of them carry their school bag and left the canteen. Lydia saw the look on Naomi and she knew her action affects her giving her the satisfaction she like. "You guys should stop kissing whenever we want to take our meals.Lydia this advice is for you in particular" khalani said biting from her meat sticks. "'What do you expect khelani some bees are trying to petch on another's honey bag. "Lydia said as she pecked Harvey cheeks. "Don't catch feeling Lydia, you know Harvey" Daniel said as he carry hot dog and put in khelani mouth. Harvey glare at him as Lydia call his name, "Harvey?" Lydia called as she don't understand what Daniel was saying. She loves Harvey since JI they were kids and she's sure he loves her too because he took her virginity when she was at high school and since then they've been having sex and he do treat her to elites events, outings and also game houses. His father is far richer than hers but their mom are best friends so she knows automatically she's Harvey's girlfriend.she knows that they've been betrothed to each other so what does Daniel mean by she not catching feelings, "Don't allow Daniel to get into your head" Harvey smile at her as Lydia kiss him again.. "Grossed" Joshua smirked and shake his head making Daniel to look at him and laugh. Khelani didnt understand the boys but she felt something is not right here. "Baby, Harvey don't love Lydia?" She whisper into Daniel ear getting a smile and a peck on her lips from her boyfriend. "He loves her of course, I'm just trying to annoy her."' Daniel said as he try to continue eating. Khelani sigh as she was relief its

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